
#318 result tab for DDL statements (create, drop, alter, ...)

General (118)

It would be great when even DDL commands (like "create ...", "drop ...", "alter ...") would get their own result tab, so execution times are easily found.

When using two or more windows (e.g. for performance testing), similar log entries of DDL statements, each saying

"Query 1 of 1 Execution time (seconds) - over all: 110.14 ...."
"Query 1 of 1 Execution time (seconds) - over all: 215.36 ...."

don't allow to find out which server took more time to execute the statement.

Thank you for your effort
Peter (


  • sfst

    sfst - 2009-03-30

    I would extend that: even errors should get their own tab.

    Sometimes a query is expected delivering a similar result to the previous one, but if now a small typing mistake produces an error I have to notice the red error message in the bottom most window. If I fail noticing it I am going to inspect the wrong result. So I would really prefer if the program would stick the error in my face by opening a new tab with the error message inside.

    If running a script the whole output should be put in one tab.

    Consequently this bottom most window could be eliminated?

  • sfst

    sfst - 2009-04-17

    > If running a script the whole output should be put in one tab.

    Clarification: only DDL command outputs of a script should be lumped together in one tab. If the script contains select statements, they still should get their own tab, of course.

    I admit that I wasn't carefully thinking through this "lumping together DDL commands in scripts" suggestion. If there is MetaData for each DDL command, then lumping together doesn't make sense.

    Anyway, those implementations need to be options that are by default disabled, as I guess most users probably do not want this tab proliferation and are happy with the bottom most window collecting those messages not worthy having their own tabs.

    (Definitely a low priority issue.)

  • sfst

    sfst - 2012-08-08

    Feature request 2826179 implemented the extra error tab (I am very pleased with it)

    For the messages being confused when using multiple database tabs (the OP called them "windows") I suggest to have the option (disabled by default) to add the tab identifier in front of each message in the bottom most window, e.g.:

    1: Query 1 of 1, Rows read: 1, Elapsed time (seconds) - Total: 0.016, ...
    2: Query 1 of 1, Rows read: 1, Elapsed time (seconds) - Total: 0.316, ...
    2 (2): Query 1 of 1, Rows read: 1, Elapsed time (seconds) - Total: 0.316, ...

    The 2 (2) being the Ctrl-N window of the 2nd tab.


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