
#915 double quoted string with semicolon value not handeled well


The following command fails when connected to Oracle. ( It works in other Oracle clients.)
alter user SOMEUSER identified by "SOME;PASSWORD_with_a_semicolon";

Error that was returned:
Error: ORA-01740: missing double quote in identifier

SQLState: 42000
ErrorCode: 1740
Position: 47
Error occured in:
alter user updater identified by "SOME


  • sfst

    sfst - 2022-10-19

    Version 4.5.0 still throws this error.

    I am not sure whether it is related to the problem that this select command:

    select q'{long string with some quoted semicolon ';' in the string.}' from dual;

    --begin quote--
    Error: ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated

    SQLState: 42000
    ErrorCode: 1756
    Position: 79
    Error occurred in:
    select q'{long string with some quoted semicolon '
    --end quote--

    FYI: This here runs fine:
    select q'{long string with some quoted colon ':' and double dashes '--' in the string.}' from dual
    union all
    select q'{long string with some comment starter '/*' in the string.}' from dual
    union all
    select q'{long string with some comment end '*/' in the string.}' from dual

    If it is unrelated, I can open another ticket.

  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2022-11-13

    According to my tests q'{...}' in an Oracle specific way of quoting e.g. it does not work on Postgres. I see the following options/workarounds:

    1.) Use standard quoting and standard escaping:
    select 'long string with some quoted semicolon '';'' in the string.' from dual

    2.) Change the statement separator. If you are using the Oracle Plugin at menu Global Preferences --> tab Oracle, if not at menu New Session Properties --> tab SQL.

  • sfst

    sfst - 2023-05-08

    [..]does not work on Postgres

    Yes, unfortunately, which is a pity, but it isn't a requirement for SQuirreL SQL to only use the intersection of capabilities of Postgres and Oracle, right?

    1.) Use standard quoting and standard escaping:
    select 'long string with some quoted semicolon '';'' in the string.' from dual

    That is what I am using, but it is an inconvenience.
    I am often inserting SQL commands into a setup table (some modules are fetching those commands to do some daily tasks like data integrity checks and data integration)
    So I have to modify the SQL commands I have manually tested (doubling those single quotation marks in a search & replace operation).
    Discovering the Oracle quoting made that much more convenient and also keeps the commands more readable (before I had to keep 2 versions of each command: the one for testing and one for inserting into the setup table).
    As mentioned, this workaround is not a show-stopper, just an inconvenience.

    2.) Change the statement separator. If you are using the Oracle Plugin at menu Global >Preferences --> tab Oracle, if not at menu New Session Properties --> tab SQL.

    I totally forgot about that :-)
    This is probably a reasonable workaround for the original problem with the password and I will try to keep that in mind.
    But for my large script collection this would be rather impractical and probably just shifting the problem to a different character.


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