
#1277 Autocomplete broken - OSX Sierra

Ajay Sharma

Hi Greg,

I tried using squirrel recently on mac. It seems to be great except one major flae w.r.t. autocomplete. The autocomplete functionality is not working on mac at all. Also, since changing the key combinations for shortcuts is not possible as of now, i was not able to invoke the functionality with other combination.
Also following works fine w.r.t. autocomplete:
    - If one uses soft commands like right click on the sql file and select autocomplete.
    - ctr + t to view the shortcut commands. Then filtering out completecommand.

It will be really great if you can look into this. Please find the environment details below:

OS: Max OsX Sierra
Java: 1.8.0_112
SQuirrel: 3.7.1

Also, i tried the previous verison of SQuirrel(2.6.9) and problem persists. Please let me know in case any more details are required.



  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2016-12-11

    Sorry, I do not have access to Mac. But I know the short cut for code completion (ctrl+space) has never changed. Perhaps you or somebody else who is confronted with this problem could try out the following:
    1. Extract the file from squirresql.jar
    2. Place it in a directory with the same realtive path that it had inside squirresql.jar
    3. Edit the start batch file in such a away that the directory you created stands first in SQuirreL's classpath
    4. Try changing the shortcuts defined in

  • Ajay Sharma

    Ajay Sharma - 2016-12-12

    Hi Gerd,
    Thanks a lot for your comment. It really helped indeed. I am not able to find any shortcut with name "control space" or "ctrl space". Attaching the properties file retrieved from mac.



    Last edit: Ajay Sharma 2016-12-12
  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2016-12-14

    I'm sorry, I was mistaken. Code completion is a plugin and so the shortcuts file is inside the plugins/codecompletion.jar. The name of the file containing the keyboard shortcut is
    To change the shortcut you have to edit the file and then repackage it. Please make sure the path inside the jar is kept.

  • Faran Kardame

    Faran Kardame - 2018-10-09

    The below solution fixed the above issue for me:
    When running SQuirrel check the plugins dialog (Menu Plugins --> Summary)
    to see if there is an entry named "SQL Entry Area Enhancements". If not you have
    to copy the plugin jar to "Plugins location" directory that is named at the top
    of the dialog i.e. "/Applications/"

    • Alex Litovsky

      Alex Litovsky - 2021-08-24

      This did not fix the problem. The issue is with something in MacOS hijacking Ctrl-space. The solution is to remap that shortcut.


      Last edit: Alex Litovsky 2021-08-24
  • Alex Litovsky

    Alex Litovsky - 2021-08-23

    This seems like a pretty critical bug. Without auto-completion SQuirrel is useless on a Mac. I'm surprised that this hasn't been fixed in 4.5 years.


    Last edit: Alex Litovsky 2021-08-23
  • Alex Litovsky

    Alex Litovsky - 2021-08-24

    For some reason SQuirrel is not picking up Ctrl-space, even though it works just fine in other apps (eclipse). The solution for me was to remap the shortcut. I used Shift-space and it now works.

    Unfortunately, the steps involve unzipping a JAR, editing a properties file, and re-zipping the JAR.

    Hopefully this gets addressed soon because this is too much for users to be expected to do to get core functionality to work.


    Last edit: Alex Litovsky 2021-08-24
  • Gerd Wagner

    Gerd Wagner - 2021-08-25

    Sorry, even with the same Plugins I can't reproduce the problem. Two things you may try:
    - Delete your existing installation directory before you install.
    - See if any there are any error logs when you start SQuirreL or any log messages when you hit Control+Space.


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