
SQLiteManager / News: Recent posts

SQLiteManager 1.2.4 is out

Full support for PHP 5.3

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2010-03-02

SQLiteManager 1.2.3 is out

Little bug fix

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2010-01-05

SQLiteManager 1.2.2 is out

Now SQLiteManager support PHP 5.3!
And many bugs fixed!

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2010-01-03

SQLiteManager 1.2.0RC1 is out

It's a development version, but with a big enhancement.
Now SQLiteManager allow to manager SQLite2 and SQLite3 database version simultaneously.
The database version is automatically detected.

Please test this release and report me the bugs you've detected.

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2005-12-04

SQLiteManager 0.9.8 releases

This release add two new feature : the management of attached databases and the ability to insert field name in SQL command. Two langage pack has been added, croatian and bresilian portuguese. And also, as usual, some enhancement and bug fix where carried out.

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2004-08-11

SQLiteManager 0.9.7 released

SQLiteManager is 'TheTools' for manage SQLite database.
For Linux, Windows or Mac, and work with PHP4 or PHP5.
This release add some new feature and enhancement and well on some bugfixe.
I recall you that SQLiteManager is accessible by his own domain name : and that demonstration is online (

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2004-07-27

SQLiteManager v0.7.1 available

SQLiteManager is a multilingual web based tool to manage SQLite database.
The programming language used is: PHP4, but the portage towards PHP5 will be easy.
Work just as well on a platform Linux as on Windows.
This project is in course of developpement, but it is alway very functional.
The various functionality are:
- Management of several database
- Creation / 'Connection' to several database
- Property of the database.
- Management of the options of the database.
- Creation / update / delete tables
- Management of the indices
- Showing / Insert / ALter / Suppression of data in the tables
- Imports data from a file
- execution of manual query from 'SQLite' format or from 'MySQL' format (conversion)
- Create / Update / Delete of View
- create / Update / Delete of Trigger
- Management of the user defined function. (usable in SQLiteManager query)
- exports structure and data to the SQL format

Posted by HENNINOT frederic 2003-11-23