
#318 Content Window: filters prepopulated with data values

Evol (198)

populate the data filter values (on open combo box event )
- with distinct values returned by the current query performing a
select dictinct val
from (Select val ...) current_querry
order by 1
- try to take care of data types
- timeout after 5 seconds if query is not finished then add value '...' in the data list end
- limit filter values in combo to 100 or 200 then add value '...' in the data list end


Tickets: #318


  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-12


    Which window will this feature stay? Command editor, query builder or both?
    If it's based on a query, I think we can use the returned values (and datatypes) to add some kind of filter.
    If it's number, we can add a range filter
    If it's string, we can use distinct (or a java.util.Set) to treat unique values.
    If it's date, we can add a date range filter.
    and so on...
    what do you think?

    Can you provide some screen with annotations where/how to put them?


    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-12

      this is for Query builder and Content window only.
      A screen with anotations is provided here.

      Note: as all data are not always loaded in the screen, we have to perform a sql statement on the db to get the expected values;

  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-13

    Ok, I got it. Some more questions.
    1) The user can also add his own value right?
    2) Not all columns are showed, only the columns from select. Should it show all columns?
    3) I thought about put some button to fetch data instead of populate after column selection. What do you think?
    4) What to do when the results are too long and the value which user wants is not there? Any other action when he/she selects '...' value?

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-13

      1) The user can also add his own value right?

      2) Not all columns are showed, only the columns from select. Should it show all columns?
      no, just the ones from the select

      3) I thought about put some button to fetch data instead of populate after column selection.
      Not sure, would prefer to keep the number of user clicks minimum

      4) What to do when the results are too long and the value which user wants is not there? Any other action when he/she selects '...' value?
      Today nothing more exept retry ... user should add additionnal where clause to restrict the list of values

  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-13
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Eder Jorge
  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-01-18
    • Milestone: 2016.01 --> 2016.02
  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-26

    can you please check how the filter at the moment? I need some more comments on that to finish.

    The actual status
    Filter when calling from query builder
    no limit rows yet (it differs from databases and is not done)
    * Cache results on dialog open for all columns

    Please tell me if there are any suggestion/fix on it.


  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-28

    Hi, I think it's all done. Please check and report any problem.


    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2016-01-28

      Thanks Eder
      I'm gonna test it as soon as possible

      first question:
      would it be possible to keep syntax compatible with java source 1.6 (we still have a few users in this version) ?

      [javac] Compiling 11 source files to C:\Users\me\SVN\build\classes
      [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with-source 1.6
      [javac] C:\Users\me\SVN\src\com\sqleo\common\util\ error: strings in switch are not supported in -source 1.6
      [javac] switch (databaseName) {
      [javac] ^
      [javac] (use -source 7 or higher to enable strings in switch)
      [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
      [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
      [javac] 1 error
      [javac] 1 warning

      but dont spend more than 10 minutes to change that ;o)


      Last edit: PAscal 2016-01-28
  • Eder Jorge

    Eder Jorge - 2016-01-28
    • status: accepted --> commited
  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-02-12
    • status: commited --> tested
  • PAscal

    PAscal - 2016-02-13
    • status: tested --> closed

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