
Filtering out tables

  • Grzegorz Pilarczyk

    I think that this fuctionality is useless. However maybe I miss something?

    My case:
    My database is fairly big (300+ tables) and current project is using only a few of them.

    I used the 'exclude' option to limit the number of generated classes, but it gave me the code that cannot be compiled.

    The problem is that sql2java generates all "foreign key" methods - even for those tables I excluded.
    So I got the code with references to classes that were not generated.

    Am I missing something? Or it is the way things work?


    • Alain Fagot Béarez

      I modified the schema loading strategy in order not to load the excluded tables and not to add the columns referencing to excluded tables.  I think it could be working now as you were expecting it to do.


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