
#10 post submit broken with Python 2.3 and mod_python

Jan Kujawa

(summary taken from this list post:

Been a while. Hope things are well for you. Here"s a
problem I just
hit with spyce that seems have been reported before
but not fixed

If you haven"t fixed it, I can shed some light on it.
The problem is
with mod_python for python 2.3. I just switched from
FastCGI to
mod_python, and my site worked perfectly before and
had problems with
mod_python. So I was pretty sure that mod_python was
the problem.

The problem: mod_python"s apacheRequest.subprocess_env
is no longer a
dict -- it is an mp_table (whatever that is).
mp_table seems to
emulate the behavior of dict, but not exactly. This
statement fails
with mp_table:

if key in mp_table:

With regular python dicts, this statement works and is
equivalent to
"if key in mp_table.keys():". But not so with
mod_python. Apparently
they have failed to customize that method.

My solution: Convert the mod_python mp_table to a real
dict. Your goes like this:

def extractValue(hash, key, default=None):
"""Extract value from dictionary, if it exists.
If key is none, return entire dictionary"""
if key==None: return hash
if hash.has_key(key): return hash[key]
return default

My new one goes like this (see how I"m converting to a
dict with the
dict() method):

def extractValue(hash, key, default=None):
"""Extract value from dictionary, if it exists.
If key is none, return entire dictionary"""
if key==None: return dict(hash)
if hash.has_key(key): return hash[key]
return default

This ensures a real dictionary comes back with all the
methods of a

This is a serious problem, as it means Spyce does not
work correctly with modern Python interpretors and
mod_python, which is the fastest way to run Spyce.


  • Jan Kujawa

    Jan Kujawa - 2005-02-22
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • batripler

    batripler - 2005-02-23

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for reporting the problem. I like your solution. I
    have modified it slightly:

    if key==None:
    if isinstance(hash, dict): return hash
    else: return dict(hash)

    This change is checked into the CVS already. Please verify
    that it works, let me know, and close this bug report if
    everything works properly for you. It will be in the next

  • batripler

    batripler - 2005-02-23
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Jonathan Ellis

    Jonathan Ellis - 2005-04-20

    Logged In: YES

    fixed in subversion, will be in next release.

  • Jonathan Ellis

    Jonathan Ellis - 2005-04-20
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-fixed

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