
SpotMachine / News: Recent posts

Future Releases on GitHub

The newly released 0.3.2 will be the last release on SourceForge. From now on, all SourceForge activity will be at:

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2013-09-01

0.3.2 released

New major features in 0.3.2:
This is a minor release with only few updates noticable to the user.

  • SpotMachine now uses the much more widely spread GNU gettext .po files for translation which means it should be easier to add new languages.
  • Fixed bug that caused incorrect text to show in tool tip at copy and remove buttons for scheduled spots.
  • Added a build script for easy compiling on Linux.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • For full list of features, see the NEWS file in the release.... read more
Posted by Thomas Pryds 2013-08-31

Moved to GitHub

The source file repository and issue/ticket tracker of SpotMachine have been moved to GitHub. So, from now on, you can find the updated source files via git instead of svn at:

Feature suggestions and bug reports should now go to the new tracker at:

For now, releases will still be hosted here at Sourceforge:

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2013-06-30

0.3 released as Ubuntu/Debian package

The latest version of SpotMachine is now also available as a .deb package for Ubuntu and Debian Linux systems. This makes the installation very easy on these systems. Just download the package and install it like any other program.

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2013-02-26

0.3 released

New major features in 0.3:
- In addition to spots played by interval, you can now play spots by time of day and/or weekday and/or day of month and/or month. These are called scheduled spots.
- Now also available as a very easy to install Windows exe, complete with uninstaller. For this reason, the source and binary releases are now only available as tar.bz2 (and not zip).
- For full list of features, see the NEWS file in the release.

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2011-03-17

0.2 released

Latest release, now with English as default language. Major new features include:
- Internationalisation,
default language: System default, if applicable, otherwise English,
additional language: Danish
- Normalization of newly recorded spots: DC offset removal, fade-in/out, volume
- Preferences window

If you want to help make SpotMachine available in more languages, you can send me your translation. It's not very difficult, and you will of course be credited in the program. Send a mail to lauritsen at if you want to contribute.

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2011-01-23

Version 0.1 released

Version 0.1 has been released (Danish only -- English/international will follow). You can find both sources and binary (byte-code) in the files section, as either tar.bz2 or zip.

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2010-12-29