Darwin Felix - 2017-04-01

The Connection reset remaining name bug only exists in spnego-r8.jar

The bug has been fixed and is included in spnego-r9.jar

spnego-r9.jar also includes the following changes:

  • fixed 'Connection reset remaining name' bug in the LdapAccessControl class
  • added friendly null check message if property mis-configured
  • short-circuit loop if user disables uniqueness property
  • added UserInfo interface
  • changed the UserAccessControl interface and the SpnegoAccessControl
    interface by adding a new method named getUserInfo
  • implemented the getUserInfo method in the LdapAccessControl class

Take a look at the javadoc of the getUserInfo method in the LdapAccessControl class.

Two new optional properties/parameters have been introduced.

web.xml example


policy.spnego file example


These are case-sensitive.