lenford - 2010-09-16

I am using splix 2.0.0-2ubuntu3 and cups 1.4.3-1ubuntu1.2 on a linux mint 9 system and want to print to a samsung CLP-510.
Greyscale printing is working fine. Color printing is working but it looks very very bad (color printing the same document from windows is working fine).

The /var/log/cups/error_log shows the following messages:

 E [16/Sep/2010:21:42:31 +0200] [Job 1] SpliX Cannot open CMS file /usr/share/cups/model/samsung/cms/CLP-510cms (2)
E [16/Sep/2010:21:42:31 +0200] [Job 1] SpliX Cannot open CMS file /usr/share/cups/model/samsung/cms/CLP-510cms2 (2)
W [16/Sep/2010:21:42:31 +0200] [Job 1] SpliX CMS data are missing. Color correction aborted

In /usr/share/cups no folder called model (nor one of the mentioned subfolders exist).
I created the folders,  downloaded the cms files from http://splix.ap2c.org/samsung_cms.tar.bz2 and extracted them into the cms folder.

Now the printer is not printing anymore but showing the message "SpliX End of PostScript header not found".

The error_log contains the following now:

 E [16/Sep/2010:22:11:14 +0200] [Job 3] SpliX End of PostScript header not found
E [16/Sep/2010:22:11:14 +0200] PID 3066 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoqpdl) crashed on signal 13!
E [16/Sep/2010:22:11:14 +0200] [Job 3] SpliX Cannot open job
E [16/Sep/2010:22:11:14 +0200] [Job 3] SpliX Error while rendering the request. Check the previous message
E [16/Sep/2010:22:11:21 +0200] [Job 3] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.

If detailed info of that print job is needed, I can add the debug log of the job.

What is needed to have a good color printing result on a samsung CLP-510 with cups1.4.3 using the SpliX driver?

Regards, Lenny