
This is the place for discussions

  • Morten Skaarup Jensen

    I'd like to specify this as my prefered place to have discussions about new features in SpecTcl and about the direction it should be taking in the future.

    Please feel free to post messages.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Have you yet spoken to mike.f  about his changes? He said he had Wanted to help as do I but nothing has been done.
    Interested in windows xp ,linux(Ubuntu), Macintosh.
    C,c++ and Perl

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    As most of mjs code is over 5 years old and most of Hobbs /ilansman code is about 5 years old it looks like some one will have to go through both code bases and see what can be brought together as there is a little overlap between them. As well as hopefully look info mike.f work with. If only the code were in perl or c(c++) . Lots of work fore someone


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