
linechart tags

  • sraymond8888

    sraymond8888 - 2009-01-02

    Is there are way to get red dots (min), blue dots (max), and last dot (grey) on linecharts with the tag parameter?

    • nixnut

      nixnut - 2009-01-17

      The next release will have start and end tags. These are black though, not grey.

      • sraymond8888

        sraymond8888 - 2009-01-17

        Cool!  Any idea when the next release will be released?  Weeks or months?

        • nixnut

          nixnut - 2009-01-17

          Hopefully soon. There's an alpha release for 3.3 available now if you're feeling adventurous. It mainly just needs more testing and is lacking documentation at this point.


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