
#267 "Bit-depth" stats result changes when signal is inverted


In some cases the bit depth values printed by the "stats" effect
change when the input file is inverted. I think this is a bug,
since I understand the "bit depth" figures are meant to be a
property of the signal as a whole and should be independent of a
change of sign, similarly to other level measurements such as "Pk
lev dB" etc. and contrary to "Min/Max level" and "DC offset",
which are clearly signed values.

You can show this behaviour in a very simple way by feeding just
two 16-bit samples into the "stats" effect, one being zero and
the other 0x3ff0 (positive):

$ echo -ne '\xf0\x3f\0\0' \
>   | sox -t raw -e signed -b 16 -r 48000 - -n stats

Bit-depth      10/12

This is what I would expect, consistent with the explanation of the "Bit-depth"
figures in "man sox". However, if we invert the signal, using for
example "-v -1":

$ echo -ne '\xf0\x3f\0\0' \
>   | sox -t raw -e signed -b 16 -r 48000 -v -1 - -n stats

Bit-depth      11/12

and to me "11" looks one bit too many.

The root reason for my objection to this behaviour is that I am using
the "stats" effect in sox to assess how two PCM files differ. I do
this by using the '--combine mix' option and the "-v -1" option before
one of the files to feed "stats" with the difference signal. However,
given the current behaviour of the bit-depth calculation, in some
cases this result depends on which one of the two files is inverted,
which makes the measurement unreliable.


  • Giuseppe Scelsi

    Giuseppe Scelsi - 2015-08-10

    The code responsible for this is at line 133 of "stats.c":

    mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(max, dummy);
    if (min < 0)
        mask |= ~(SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(min, dummy) << 1);

    Working with 16-bit samples ('-b 16'), for the sample sequence [2, -2, 2, -2] this code gives a bit depth of "1/15", as expected, while for the sequence [-2, -2, -2, -2] it produces "15/15", which is clearly wrong.

    I propose the following change:

    @@ -130,9 +130,9 @@
       for (; result && !(mask & 1); --result, mask >>= 1);
       if (x)
         *x = result;
    -  mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(max, dummy);
    -  if (min < 0)
    -    mask |= ~(SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(min, dummy) << 1);
    +  mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(fmax(fabs(min), fabs(max)), dummy);

    This clarifies the meaning of the "bit depth" and makes it independent of the sign of individual samples. The code modified as above yields "1/15" for all sequences [2, -2, 2, -2], [2, 2, 2, 2] and [-2, -2, -2, -2].

    It would be good to indicate in the 'man' page that in the "x/y" notation y includes the sign bit, while x does not. So for a 16-bit signal that fills the entire dynamic range one would get "15/16", and never "16/16".


    Last edit: Giuseppe Scelsi 2015-10-16
  • Giuseppe Scelsi

    Giuseppe Scelsi - 2015-10-21

    I have revised my patch to better behave in some corner cases and I
    also wrote a test script that I am attaching. Comments at the bottom
    of the script indicate in which test cases the output of my
    implementation differs from sox 14.4.1. I also reworded a bit the
    explanation in the man page to make it more consistent with the new

  • Mans Rullgard

    Mans Rullgard - 2020-08-05

    I believe this gives sane, consistent results:

    diff --git a/src/stats.c b/src/stats.c
    index e1d1809c78d0..259daaaea2f4 100644
    --- a/src/stats.c
    +++ b/src/stats.c
    @@ -130,10 +130,9 @@ static unsigned bit_depth(uint32_t mask, double min, double max, unsigned * x)
       for (; result && !(mask & 1); --result, mask >>= 1);
       if (x)
         *x = result;
    -  mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(max, dummy);
    -  if (min < 0)
    -    mask |= ~(SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(min, dummy) << 1);
    -  for (; result && !(mask & SOX_SAMPLE_MIN); --result, mask <<= 1);
    +  min = -fmax(fabs(min), fabs(max));
    +  mask = SOX_FLOAT_64BIT_TO_SAMPLE(min, dummy) << 1;
    +  for (; result && (mask & SOX_SAMPLE_MIN); --result, mask <<= 1);
       return result;
  • Mans Rullgard

    Mans Rullgard - 2021-02-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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