Andy Tegethoff - 2002-10-09

What an unqualified jerk.  As if this project is burning up with people lending a hand... and he's complaining about a really unimportant error like that.  And to continually post anonymously is sort of cowardly.  I mean, I hate spam as much as the next guy, but save your phobias for a less suspect site than frigging SourceForge.

Nobody wrote:
>BTW, ive fixed about a dozen
>bugs in sourcejammer
>which still havent been fixed in your releases. i >recommend checking
>in/out large files
>and UUEncoded files which seem to trigger a lot >of bugs. also
>i remember some multiple
>checkins at one time causing corruption and file >handle problems.
>write some automated testing stuff with large >numbers of threads
>which should help you locate these bugs.

This is some pretty sanctimonious shit from someone who, in the next line of his post, declares that he won't even post any of his fixes.  Write your own automated testing code jerkoff -- some of us have real work to do.  And by the way, I get ~30MB files in and out of SJ w/o problems.
Furthermore, dude's code looks like he copied it out of the back of Highlights magazine while he was at the doctor's office for his syphillis treatment.  Try naming your variables next time, loser.  'If' blocks, anyone?

Perhaps this isn't the direction Rob meant a discussion of this to go, but it sort of horks me off, the ingratitude.  I mean, this is open source right?  It's not like a Windows error; you get what you pay for. 
But to underline the point by bringing it back on topic: In 6mos of daily use, I've encountered very few issues, pretty much all of which were resolved with haste.