

  • Zwiebelcode

    Zwiebelcode - 2013-07-07


    I am working on OpenIdent (OpenSource). For OpenIdent, I need a fingerprint software. Best would be java, because OpenIdent ist written in Java until now. About SourceAFIS I read, that the java version does not yet support fingerprint extraction. In the java version, the extract method is throwing an exception. In the c# version the code of Extract is using the c# TemplateBuilder. But the java source code also has a TemplateBuilder class. Is there a reason, why the java TemplateBuilder is not yet used in the extract method? Are there some things broken?

    I would like to invest some time into this, if there is a chance that i can handle it. But i have no idea about image processing. Do I need image processing knowledge, if i want to port the c# code to java code? Or is it enough to "just" rewrite the syntax? Could you tell me, which problems there could be? Are there some porting plans?

    By the way, if you want to know more about OpenIdent, see my repository or the info text. It wants to be a identification system with strong privacy. I also think about a cooperation with commercial systems, because i think the potential of OpenIdent is high. But that would need much donation, because the source code must be open...

  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2013-07-08

    For such large project, I definitely recommend hosting the SourceAFIS engine in its own process. Once you have separate process, you can use .NET (or Mono if your server runs Linux). That's much easier way to go.

    While some performance gain can be obtained by running template extraction on the client, I think it is too soon for your project to tinker with such issues. Just upload the fingerprint image to the server and run extraction/matching in dedicated Mono process.

    Java extractor has been already contributed by someone else, but it's broken due to several bugs and it's somewhat incomplete. I will have to find some time to get it in working order. I keep delaying it, but still I hope to get it out this year. Fixing it requires considerable knowledge. I think you will be better off focusing on your project.

    BTW, your project is easily circumvented through identity theft, which is so easy these days with stupid users installing malware. Identity is sold in bulk through botnets. You will need to make it crystal clear how you deal with malware/botnets before your project gains any acceptance.

  • Zwiebelcode

    Zwiebelcode - 2013-07-08

    Many thanks for your feedback. So I will go the c# way.

    About the identity theft problem: yes that could be a true problem. But I am confident, because there could be realms where people first have answer a security quiz to test their knowledge. For spamming prevention a such high security would not be nessesary, so...

    But yes, it definitly a point to look closer at!

  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2018-03-16

    SourceAFIS for Java has been released:


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