
kind of wahwah stretching a simple synth sound

  • spada

    spada - 2017-04-10

    I need to stretch a series of synth notes (very simple piano sounds) from 0.75sec to 1.1sec.
    The problem is that I get sounds with a sort of wah-wah effect, especially at their end.
    Is it possible to avoid such a result ?
    Thank you very much for your attention,

    And thank you very much for SoundTouch !

  • Martin Loga

    Martin Loga - 2018-02-01

    I have the same problem. In my case it's more like a stuttering.

    I configured soundTouch like this

    setSettings(SETTINGS_USE_AA_FILTER, 1);
    setSettings(SETTINGS_AA_FILTER_LENGHT, 1);
    setSettings(SETTINGS_USE_QUICKSEEK, 0);
    setSettings(SETTINGS_SEQUENCE_MS, 40);
    setSettings(SETTINGS_SEEKWINDOW_MS, 15);
    setSettings(SETTINGS_OVERLAP_MS, 8);

    and I doubled the sample rate and halved the pitch

  • oparviai

    oparviai - 2018-04-03

    SoundTouch works by chopping sound into shortish sequences, and mixing these back together. Due to this approach the sound may get echoing wah-wah artifact particularly when slowing down the tempo a lot, or increasing the pitch a lot.

    If artifact is present even at small tempo/pitch adjustments, then it's about something else, like incorrect samplerate, or other processing parameters.

    Surveying Martin's parameter set above, setting the SETTINGS_AA_FILTER_LENGTH parameter to 1 seems peculiar: The AA filter is a FIR filter so the filter length should be at least 32 or more. If you don't wish to use a proper AA filter, then rather disable it.


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