
#104 Export Changes: Preview, Save As, Other Formats, and More


The Export option should have two additions:

A file dialog like the ones used in save so that you
can choose where to put it. Just having a line relative
to the root window is not very convenient.

A preview button. (If you've used it, think of
illustrator and photoshop with the save-for-web option)
If possible, ahve the ability to show multiple file
outputs simultaneously for comparison, as well as the
original. This is extremely useful if you are using
this to make web-graphics and need to pay attention to
the quality-size ratio. (Also, show the output file
size with a preview, for the purposes of the previous

The output should be able to be to more formats than
PNG. JPEG, GIF, WBMP, EPS, etc... (I don't really know
how the status is on that GIF patent, so maybe not
that, but at least JPEG).

Currently, the ratio of height-width is loose in the
top frame (export area) and locked in the bottom are
(bitmap size). This should be done by having a 'Lock
Aspect' button beside the ratio on the top and skip the
bottom frame
(I guess you'd have to leave the 'dpi' box, but I'd
move it to the top and put the preview on the bottom.
Actually, put the preview on the top and the 'save
file' dialog on the bottom with the 'export area' in
the middle, as well as a file-type option with
compression levels and all that jazz. Not that I want a
lot or anything, just a total redesign with lots of
specialness and featurality. I'm not greedy. Really.)

The other solution (partial solution) to the previous
problem is to at least allow the height to be edited on
the locked ratio (that in the 'bitmap area' frame).
Sometimes, you need to define it by height. For
example, I usually want all buttons I make to have
identical height, as they will be aligned horizontally.

Also, the export option (and all other measurement
options, I believe it was the grid-units option that
bugged me) should have a measurement in pixels. You
only use pixels a few times, but it is a valid and
common measurement which is often quite important for
(Note that this change is needed if you combine the top
and bottom, as I mentioned earlier)

Okay. I'm done, for now. Sorry that took so long, and I
really love this product. It helps calm my desire for
the AI that I cannot afford.


  • Jamethiel Knorth

    Logged In: YES

    Just a little comment I forgot about:

    The export dialog should start with one of the options
    selected, most likely either page or picture. Personally, I
    would have it start on picture, unless an object is
    selected, in which case I would have it start on selection.

  • Barman Brakjoller

    Logged In: YES

    About saving to other formats than PNG, isn't that
    unnecessary? I mean, there are many tools that can convert
    the PNG to other formats, and the PNG is, after all, non-lossy.
    There must be more important features to fix.

    My two cents.


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