
... my summer home work ...

I have worked maintenance of srelay/srelaye and released


  • Added use of local (not system) password for SOCKS user/pass authentication.
    local password file is like Apache's htpasswd and you can generate it easily by scripts sampled in scripts/
    And, your htpasswd like password file is indicated by '-U' option.
    Do not confuse with '-u' option, which is to indicate password similary but is used for server to server SOCKS relaying.
  • Reviewed SOCKS authentication option (-a)
    srelay supports just one SOCKS authentication method, username/password.
    NO-AUTH is namely "I don't authenticate, go ahead please.". Indicating NO-AUTH (-a n) holds down any other authentication option(s). It's no use. The meaningful operation is do '-a p' or no '-a' option.
  • (srelaye) There were a lot of incompletions in SOCKS relaying. Reviewed and fixed.
  • INCOMPATIBILITY: IPv6 address expression in SOCKS relay (routing) configuration - srelay.conf has been changed.
    You have to enclose IPv6 address by square bracket '[' and ']'. But, as usual, check is so loose and you may have some trouble if you dare to or inadvertently set arbitrary characters, formats in them. Even an IPv4 address, there isn't check for the digits of each numbers of quad ;-p


Posted by Tomo M 2017-09-02

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