
Version 5.5.17 Wish List

  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    Please add features which you like to see in v.5.5.17 as replies to this topic.

  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    SObjectizer as a static library.

    SObjectizer should provide two type of libraries: shared (as now) and static.

    Note. It seems that static library will be available only via Mxx_ru builds.

  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    Something like mchain_master_handle_t.

    It allows to write:

    auto log_ch = mchain_master_handle(
        create_mchain( sobj, ... ) );

    instead of:

    auto log_ch = create_mchain( sobj, ... );
    auto log_ch_closer = auto_close_mchain(
        log_ch );
  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    A notificator about mchain close for advanced version of receve and select functions. Something like:

    receive( from(ch).notify_on_close(),
        []( const some_message & cmd ) {...},
        []( const some_other_message & cmd ) {...},
        []( const mchain_closed & cmd ) {
            ...// Some handling of chain close event.
    select( from_all().notify_on_close(),
        case_( ch1,
            []( const some_message & cmd ) {...},
            []( const mchain_closed & cmd ) {
                ...// Some handling of chain close event.
            } ),

    Some thoughts about this topics can be found here (in Russian).

  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    A version of send_delayed which returns timer_id.

    It allows to write something like this:

    auto timer = send_delayed< some_message, return_timer_id >(
        receiver, delay, some_message_ctor_params... );

    instead of:

    auto timer = send_periodic< some_message >(
        receiver, delay, chrono::seconds(0), some_message_ctor_params... );
    • Yauheni Akhotnikau

      I seems that this features will not been implemented in v.5.5.17.

  • Yauheni Akhotnikau

    Extended run-time monitoring and stats: an ability to collect info about event-handlers working time. This info can be very helpful for detecting situations when some event-handlers are working too long (or event hang forever).


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