
soapUI 1.7.6

soapUI is a desktop application for inspecting, invoking, mocking and functional/load/compliance testing of web services over soap/http. It is mainly aimed at developers/testers providing and/or consuming web services (java, .net, php, etc).

eviware is happy to release soapUI 1.7.6 which is an intermediary release providing general functionality and UI improvements (on top of a bunch of bugfixes). Most Notable are:

* XQuery 2.0 support in assertions and property-transfers
* Apache CXF wsdl2java integration
* Default authentication settings on endpoint level
* Regular expression support in Contains/NotContains assertions
* Improved xml/groovy editors with line-numbers, find-and-replace, etc..
* Greatly improved project/workspace management
* Improved/laxed up MTOM support
* Global/System-property access in property-expansions
* Very preliminary and initial extension API

- read all about the release:

- download from

As always we are endlessly grateful to our enthusiastic users and growing community (both commercial and open-source)! You Rock!


Posted by Ole Lensmar 2007-09-27

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