
#183 "Incorrect parameter at SOAP/ line 1994" encountered


When upgrade to SOAP-Lite-0.715 from SOAP-Lite-0.710, my online project encounter the following error when processing soap request.
Incorrect parameter at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/SOAP/ line 1994.

Total soap response is as following:
500 Internal Server Error
Content-Length: 529
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPServer: SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.715

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><soap:Fault><faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode><faultstring>Incorrect parameter at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/SOAP/ line 1994.

I don't quite understand the code in /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/SOAP/ line 1994:
die "Incorrect parameter" unless $itself =~/^\d$/;
, while in version 0.710.10, corresponding line is as following:
die "Incorrect parameter" unless $itself =~ /^\d*$/;
I add a '*' to this line and everything is ok. But I wonder if this is a bug or a new feature.

Thank you for your reply.


  • fuzion101

    fuzion101 - 2012-10-16

    Actually, this fix did not work for me in the long run. GetExpressCheckoutDetails would work and no longer crash on line 1993... but everything else basically stopped working in the Business::PayPal::API...

    The proper fix was found here:

    For me I changed the line as follows:
    die "Incorrect parameter" unless $itself =~ /^\d+$/;

    Note the + instead of ^. This works like a charm!

  • Noel Kelly

    Noel Kelly - 2013-01-04

    I ran into this same issue using RemoteBox v1.5 ( and your fix worked fine.

    (Just add ''+' between the 'd$')

  • dcunningham

    dcunningham - 2013-01-07

    We also experienced this problem, and worked around by rolling back to version 2.34.

    Could the fix be put in CPAN please?

  • dcunningham

    dcunningham - 2013-09-03

    Michiel, do you know if the CPAN maintainer can update with the fixed version? Thank you.

  • Michiel Beijen

    Michiel Beijen - 2013-09-03

    The fix IS already on cpan, since version 0.716, which was released in May.

  • dcunningham

    dcunningham - 2013-09-03

    Thank you!


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