
Adam Tauno Williams

snurtle is a command line interface to the OpenGroupware Coils collaboration and workflow platform/server.

The Name

The name "snurtle" has no relation, except perhaps incidentally, with the pop-culture use of the term "snurtle". The snurtle project provides a command-line shell for accessing OpenGroupware Coils using JSON-RPC and the zOGI API. Turtles have shells. OpenGroupware Coils was initially a reimplementation in Python of the OpenGroupware Legacy Objective-C code base. The server project was named "Coils" because it is developed in Python and a python is a constrictor (a type of snake). So snurtle is a shell for a snake. Don't over-think it.




Screenshot thumbnail
A snurtle session


For news on snurtle and related OpenGroupware projects and developments watch the OpenGroupware.us BLOG. Releases and other significant news are announced on the opengroupware Twitter account.


  • Python 2.6 or 2.7
  • The python modules Cmd2, Mako, and Python-XDG
  • A recent OpenGroupware Coils server. Any released version after 0.1.44 should work; but the lastest snurtle often uses the latest Coils/zOGI features, so newer is always better.


pip install snurtle


snurtle 0.9.2 was released on 2012-08-01 and is available on PyPi and can be installed using pip. This version targets OpenGroupware Coils 0.1.47rc20.


Use of snurtle is documented in the snurtle chapter of the Whitemice Consulting OpenGroupware Administrator's Guide (also known as WMOGAG).

Quick Start

Start snurtle, set the uri and login environment variables, perform and authenticate command, then start issuing commands. At the end perform a disconnect or the shell may hang when you try to exit.

$ snurtle
(Cmd) set hostname coils.example.com
(Cmd) set login adam
(Cmd) set secure 1
(Cmd) authenticate
authenticated as contextId#10100
adam> list-contacts --favorite
217750 Contact Smith, Fred
15389750 Contact McCormick, Stan
adam> disconnect
adam> ^C


For support use the coils-project e-mail list. Feel free to post any questions, queries, or issues you experience to the mail list; comments about documentation, implementation, etc... are all welcome.

Alternatively use the #ogo IRC channel on FreeNode.

Please do not e-mail developers privately without a specific reason for doing so. snurtle and OpenGroupware Coils are Open Source projects and we value collaboration - one central tenet to effective collaboration is to permit all involved parties to participate in relevant conversations; private e-mail inhibits collaboration.