
#1 OpenGlad-E Unit Class Suggestions (long)

PK Wong


Charge SHIFTER: Dash backwards rather than forward
while also throwing out a bunch of knives. Essentially, a
retreat move.

Boomerang SHIFTER: Shoots a boomerang straight out
that bounces off of walls and enemies at random angles,
but passes through forests.

Disarm SHIFTER: Radically boosts an ally's melee damage
for a short while.


Knockback: Single melee attack in place that knocks the
enemy back *way* far away, many times farther than
even bomb effects.

Quake: Causes the ground around to shake, slightly
damaging nearby enemies. Also makes you invincible to
knockback and other movement-related attacks, like the
Ghost's Scare and the various explosive effects.

Power Hammer: Throws a hammer straight out that goes
through all enemies and comes back after a while.


Rocks SHIFTER: Sprays a circle of rocks in all directions.

Shrink: Becomes so small that ranged moves cannot hurt
the Elf. However, engaging in melee or area-effect
specials will still hurt the Elf. A very good special that will
make Elves somewhat useful in places besides the forest.

Bouncing Rocks SHIFTER: Sends out bouncing rocks in all

Thick Growth: While in the forest, can cause all nearby
forest to slowly harm enemies who are too close. This will
make Elf vs. Elf battles more interesting, and also give
them another edge in the forest.
SHIFTER: Uses up MPs quickly while in forest to regain

Lots of Rocks SHIFTER: An even bigger load of rocks in all

Fragmentation Riot: Shoots out a load of rocks that
explode and have small areas of effect. They also
knockback for a few squares.
SHIFTER: Shoots out these explosive rocks in all

Mega Rocks SHIFTER: You get the idea. Something about
all directions.


Barrage SHIFTER: Sends out many barrages in all

Exploding Bolt SHIFTER: Shoots out a barrage of
Exploding Bolts.

Piercing Arrow: Shoots a metallic-gray arrow out, going
through all enemies and ignoring the Armor statistic until
it hits something that blocks flight, like a wall. However,
the arrow loses half of its energy every time it goes
through an enemy.

Arrow of Light: Shoots out an arrow that goes *really*
fast, and also does slightly more than average damage. It
is also always a lot more precise than normal arrows.
Could best be thought of as some kind of "sniping" ability.


Flare: Shoots out a bolt that, when it hits an enemy or
wall, leaves a large flame that covers an area of squares
and stays there for a while. It does no damage when it
first hits, but persists for a very long time. The bolt
passes right over forest, but can still hit Elves in the
SHIFTER: Causes a bolt of Flare to detonate right on top
of yourself, just in case you get caught in a melee


Flare: Shoots out a bolt that, when it hits an enemy or
wall, leaves a large flame that covers an area of squares
and stays there for a while. It does no damage when it
first hits, but persists for a very long time. The bolt
passes right over forest, but can still hit Elves in the
SHIFTER: Causes a bolt of Flare to detonate right on top
of yourself, just in case you get caught in a melee

Black Hole: Creates something like the Toxic Cloud except
that it is totally black, pulls enemies from far away into it,
and does not move very much. Just as damaging, though.
SHIFTER: Creates a black hole that pushes everyone far,
far away for a short time.


Osmosis (okay, I admit it, I stole the name partially from
the Final Fantasy series): Shoots out a bolt that severely
damages the victim and causes the bolt to come back.
Any ally who catches the bolt as it comes back will gain
the MP that the target had lost.
SHIFTER: Gives up a bunch of MP into a slowly-travelling
bolt that anyone else can catch.

Purity: Causes the ally to become immune to harmful
magical effects, such as the Ghost's Scare or the Faeries'
stopping effect.
SHIFTER: Shoots out some Cleric dust that deals a little
bit of damage and has the Faerie stopping effect.


My complaints about the Thief are mostly that for a unit
class that is supposed to be so crafty and sneaky, it
doesn't do a good job of being necessary or even
especially helpful compared to many other unit classes.
The Thief's usefulness and versatility should ideally rival
that of the Mage's and Cleric's.

Bomb SHIFTER: Throws a bomb out for a distance. After
it comes to a stop, it behaves as a normal bomb.

Detect Items: Causes all gold, silver, potions, food, and
enemy generators near the Thief to be revealed to the
whole party for a certain amount of time.
SHIFTER: Prevents any enemy close to the Thief from
being able to see goodies and generators for a certain
amount of time.

Landmine: Lays down a landmine. To enemies, it is only
visible as a distortion in the background, but allies can
see it perfectly fine. When an enemy steps on it, the
enemy and all nearby people, both friend and foe, take
damage. Its area is not anywhere near as wide as Bomb,
but it is still deadly when laid down in large layers.

Backstab: Appears to be a normal attack. If it his the
opponent in the back, it inflicts a tremendous amount of
damage. Otherwise, it deals less than average damage.
SHIFTER: Causes the target to gradually lose HP over a
long amount of time.

Trap: Lays down false gold, silver, keys, potions, and
meat, but which actually harm any enemy who touches
them. Allies will see them for what they are: trap-looking
SHIFTER: Causes nearby goodies to appear to be
corpses, burned dirt, rocks, and other things for a short
amount of time.


First of all, the Druid should lose Reveal Items. This spell
would be better suited for the Thief. Instead, the Druid is
getting some other things.

Memorial Rose: Transforms a corpse into a very strong
SHIFTER: Change a tree into a corpse.

Reveal Invisible: Becomes able to see invisible people and
make them show up on the minimap for a short time.

Protection SHIFT: Casts the spell on yourself.

Eden: Causes a *lot* of trees to grow all around you.
SHIFTER: Absorbs nearby trees into tiny amounts of HP,
regardless of who they belong to.

Tree Explosion: Shoots out a bolt that makes a tree
explode. It causes a regular Explosive Arrow effect if it
hits forest.


Axe Throw: Throws out a big axe that's kinda like the
Soldier's Boomerang, except that it only hits one target.
It still hits hard.

Eat Corpse SHIFTER: Vomits up a corpse, which can be
later eaten up again or have all sorts of other things done
to it that are oriented toward corpses. However, this also
makes the Orc lose a lot of HP.

Crossbow: Shoots out an arrow that would normally be
like a normal Archer's arrow, except that it deals a lot of


Burning Lance: Extends a line of fireballs that is basically
like a flame "spear" for the Elemental. It always sticks out
in the direction the Elemental is facing, and any who
touch it takes damage. It also causes slight knockback
effect. It has a set amount of damage within it that
slowly degrades over time or is spent on damaging
SHIFTER: Creates a barrier of flaming bolts around the
Elemental. Be careful not to use this in narrow spaces,
since it will get you stuck.


Collapse: Turn into a corpse temporarily. May pop back
up later. A pleasant surprise for anyone who hunts for
enemies based entirely on blips on the map. While a
corpse, the skeleton can still be harmed by area-effect
attacks, but normal projectiles pass right over. Being
Collapsed gradually burns up MP, and keeps on using up
MP faster and faster as you go along.


Touch of Pain: Drain target's HPs very slowly. Ghosts are
already pretty darned powerful, so this would have to
cost a lot of MPs.
SHIFTER: Drains MPs instead, also very slowly. Because
this uses up a lot of MPs, this is more of an attack on the
target's MPs than something to gain your own.


Siren's Call: Shoots out Faerie dust all around, with
additional stopping effect time but a lot less damage.

Faerie World: Shoots out a piece of Faerie dust that
teleports whoever it hits.
SHIFTER: Teleport yourself, but costs a lot more MP than
the Mage's version.

Banshee's Call: Shoots out a piece of Faerie dust that
has a Scare effect.


Grow SHIFTER: Absorb a friendly slime into yourself in
order to Grow and have its statistics added to your own.

Engulf: Move right on top of an enemy target, trapping
the target and continuously inflicting a lot of damage.
However, this also lets the target constantly
melee-attack you.

Split SHIFTER: Immediately decrease in size drastically in
order to shoot out an extremely powerful and damaging
slime ball that knocks back for a lot of distance.


Freer aiming! I mean, come on, I expected more out of a
tower. It can't move, so it should at least get to have a
lot of other stuff. Towers should also get *much* better
projectile attacks: right now, their range and damage
suck badly. And when fighting against towers, I found it
easy to just take an Archer, or even an Elemental, and
just snipe them from far away with impunity. Towers
should be *dangerous* to approach. Even an Elf can
destroy one in melee by walking up to one from a good

Charge Beam: Expends *all* MP into one bolt that goes
extremely fast, thus making it highly unlikely that
someone closeby could dodge it.

There should be multiple types of towers, now that I
think about it. Like Arrow Tower, Rock Tower, etc etc.


Generators should have simple weak weapons for
defending themselves while they are busy generating.
They obviously can't fight off even an Elf in
hand-to-hand, but they can stall while they generate.

Ogre Cave: Generates Ogres.

Burning Star: Generates Elementals. *Very* dangerous to
get near when it explodes.

Church: Generates Clerics.

Faerie Circle: Generates Faeries.

Orc Pod: Generates Orcs.


The Mermaid would move extremely quickly through
water, but slowly on land. Also, the Mermaid would use
up small amounts of MPs to move on land, but not to rest
in place. They would be average in all other respects,
and their projectiles would be balls of water.

The main purpose of the Mermaids would be to claim
control quickly in water-based levels, since they could go
through water much faster than Faeries and Ghosts.
Their ranged attack would look like Elf boulders, except

Their specials would be like this:

Trident: Shoots out a very large Trident as a projectile.
It does a sizable amount of damage.
SHIFTER: Shoots out a burst of Tridents.

Freestyle Swim: Charges forward, like the Soldier's
charge, except that you also shoot out some bursts of
water ball projectiles. Also, on land, you move a *lot*
slower, but still shoot out the projectiles. The Mermaid
can't do as much damage as the Soldier with the pure
charging effect, but the projectiles add up.
SHIFTER: Charges backward, but still shoots out the
water balls forward.

Mermaid Song: Shoots out something that looks like
Faerie dust. If it hits, it deals no damage but does stop
the target in place for a *very* long time.
SHIFTER: Heals an ally of negative effects.

Whirlpool: Creates a huge vortex of water, whether or
not there is any water around. Like the Thief's Poison
Cloud, except it deals less damage, travels a lot more,
and stops victims temporarily. Obviously, when done in
water, it lasts for a much longer time.
SHIFTER: Puts out a massive amount of water ball
projectiles in all directions.


  • PK Wong

    PK Wong - 2003-05-22
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Daniel Paul Hightower

    Logged In: YES

    1st, characters should be limited to *4* attacks with
    alternates, at least until every character has *4* attacks
    just to keep some balance in the game.

    Adjust orc captain to have the effect of increasing the
    strength orcs. Also, give the orc captain an attack
    called "Summon formation", which would be much, much
    stronger that the summon defense command.

    Add Practical Mage class (another promotion of mage).
    basic attack would be the same as mage. 1st ability:
    teleport, alternate leave teleport marker. 2nd ability:
    teleport allies, alternate teleport enemies. 3rd ability:
    freeze time, alternate slow down time. 4th ability: create
    teleporter, alternate create blackhole that can kill

    Give ghosts the ability to temporarily "possess" opponents.

    Allow 4-5 skeletons to combine to form a giant skeleton and
    allow a giant skeleton to split into 4-5 skeletons.

    Allow a ghost and skeleton to combine to form a regular

    Add High Priest Class (promotion of clerics). basic attack
    is same as cleric. 1st ability: heal, alternate mystic mace.
    2nd ability: wide area heal (heal characters over a wider
    area), alternate greater heal (heal beyond 100%). 3rd
    ability: summon curse (need a variety of different curses to
    choose from so that the curse choosen is random),
    alternate remove curse. 4th ability: resurrect, alternate
    reincarinate (bring back a dead body as random character
    class, even works on opponent's dead)

    Golem - Give the ability to have a boulder attack, where the
    Golem runs over opponents damaging them.

    Soldier - Improve efficiency of mana use for attack.
    Basically, compared to other characters, soldiers really
    don't get the bang for their buck in damage caused by a
    set amount of mana in an attack.

    Also, add a "high mana mode" option, where the mana used
    in all attacks is a set percentage of available mana for each

  • fuzinavl

    fuzinavl - 2005-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    Knockback: accentuates the character-type

    Piercing Arrow: nice
    Arrow of Light: needs a glowing movement trail

    Osmosis, Purity: no, these don't seem cleric-y

    Bomb SHIFTER: yes
    Detect Items: yes
    Landmine: yes
    Backstab: yes
    SHIFTER (bleeding cut): yes
    Trap: yes
    SHIFTER (conceal goodies): yes

    DRUID: needs a treant summon that throws nutricious apples
    Eden: cool

    Crossbow: makes the orc race more complete

    Collapse: good

    Freer aiming! Better range!

    Church: Generates Clerics. HA! HA!


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