
Still in the works? Progress update?

  • Alucard Hellsing

    Well here we are quickly approaching one year since the last post here. Who knows if anyone will actually view this. Just wondering if you are still working on this.

    I remember stealing my dads credit card back in the day to buy Gladiator from Forgotten Sages. He wasn't to happy about that lol, this game has always held a special place in my heart and the death of Forgotten Sages is a sad thing indeed. Alas we shall never see Gladiator: Beyond Freedom...

    I hope work is still being done on this project, Gladiator should never be forgotten. To this day I have never found a game quite as addictive.

    • Alucard Hellsing

      On and if anyone is still working on this, I'd be willing to lend a hand. It's been a long time since I worked on any projects, but I do have some general skills.

    • Jason Theriot

      Jason Theriot - 2009-08-19

      I'm glad to see someone else finally posted here.  I tend to drop by about once a month to see if anything else is new.  I can understand your passion for the game as I have the same feelings toward it.  Today's games lack so much of the inginuity that Gladiator and games like it did.  Gladiator was sheer genius in its gameplay and depth.  I would love it so much to suddenly see Forgotten Sages return out of the blue.

  • kwh

    kwh - 2009-10-27

    Im shocked to see there are still people that care about this game, like most of you i've got great memories playing this game aswell.
    Frankly i only read this forum because i wanted to play openglad again after not having played it for over a year and came here searching for new levels and campaigns.
    The fact that there are other people out there that still think about this game now and then is heart warming.

    Also, is the full version of glad still buyable? I used to download it for free since i was too young to buy the full version, have my own creditcard now tho lol.

    If anyone could link me where i could buy it, or download it for free or download more levels/campaigns that'd be great.

  • Jason Theriot

    Jason Theriot - 2009-12-02

    That's a link directly to Home of the Underdogs website.  They carry a bunch of old games.
    This was posted in the Yahoo Group section about the password to unlock the game being released to the public.  Tom Ricket is fine with it and happy to see people still play the game.

    > Re: Tom Ricket on Myspace or something
    > maybe?
    > Wow, I just noticed this group has 301
    > members!
    > Anyway, I asked Tom Ricket this:
    > sorry to bug you, but what's your
    > stance on releasing the "Archer"
    > password of the gladiator archive? Is
    > it still important for you to keep
    > this private?
    > And he responded with this:
    > Hi there!
    > Sure, that's okay - it's well past
    > the time where we have to worry about
    > people registering the game. :) Please
    > feel free to share/post it as you
    > like.
    > Take care, Tom
    > So there it is. Have at it.


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