
Feeding (only) audio to snowmix?

  • david

    david - 2016-09-19


    I've managed to feed both of my cameras through udp sinks that feed back
    into the mixer; this works great.

    I'm not sure how to feed audio (by itself, not paired to a video stream) to

    You pipe audio feed ctr isaudio $audio_feed_id and the audio stream in
    s16le to snowmix.

    I got the audio stream working from mic-to-computer (testing using alsasink)
    How do I get this feed into snowmix?

    The receiver now does:

    gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5001 caps="application/x-rtp" ! rtppcmadepay !
    alawdec ! alsasink

    should I just convert it to the right format/rate/channels and then?


    Stack is the new term for "I have no idea what I'm actually using".

    • david

      david - 2016-09-19

      Aha! I got it working!
      (echo 'audio feed ctr isaudio 1' ; gst-launch-1.0 -q audiotestsrc is-live=true ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,layout=interleaved, rate=48000, channels=2 ! fdsink fd=1 sync=true ) | nc 9999

      • Peter Maersk-Moller

        Good to hear.

        Make sure you have read the Snowmix guide on audio

        It has examples on inputting and outputting audio. Pay especially attention to the part on starting audio mixers.

        If you have an audio pipeline like audio_feed->audio_mixer->audio_sink and
        a) have started the audio audio mixer and
        b) have a process connecting to the audio sink starting it with the right command
        then audio is actually NOT flowing out the audio sink until you actually feeds audio into the audio feed. The trick is to also create a dummy audio sink 0 (zero is important) and connect it to the mixer and then start the sink 0 (it then applies a queue to the mixer) and then when the mixer is started, it will start create mixed samples whether or not the mixer actually has samples received from it sources. This is the hard part to understand.




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