
Tree [db2636] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 configuration 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [74e2e4] Applied all not python related patches from the...
 examples 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 kernel 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [74e2e4] Applied all not python related patches from the...
 man 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 tools 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [db2636] LDFLAGS awareness.
 xgui 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [db2636] LDFLAGS awareness.
 Makefile 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.bugs 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.dec 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.getSNNS 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.install 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.license 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.linux 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 Readme.openwin 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 configure 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [74e2e4] Applied all not python related patches from the...
 default.cfg 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...
 help.hdoc 2011-10-01 Patrick Kursawe Patrick Kursawe [1cd34c] Now this is really the original SNNS 4.2 source...

Read Me

			 SNNSv4.2 Readme file

The SNNSv4.2 directory consists of the following files: 

(Executable files  are  marked with a '*'  suffix,  directories with a
'/',  symbolic  links with a '@' in this Readme file. These characters
are not part of the filenames).

ENZO/                   hookup place for generic algorithm tool ENZO.
			The tool itself has to be retrieved and unpacked 
Readme			this file Readme
Readme.bugs		A list of know problems
Readme.dec		Readme file with dec notes
Readme.getSNNS		Readme file how to obtain SNNS
Readme.install		Readme file how to install SNNS
Readme.license		Readme file of the SNNS license
Readme.linux		Readme file with linux notes
Readme.openwin		Readme file with open-windows notes

build*			shell script to build SNNS
			(must be invoked after 'configure')

cleanup*		shell script to clean up the SNNS directories
			from old executable and temporary files.

configuration/		configuration directory (used by 'configure').

configure*		shell script to create the proper SNNS 
			Makefiles (must be called before 'build').

default.cfg		Default SNNS window configuration file.

examples/		examples directory (SNNS network, pattern
			and configuration files).

help.hdoc		English help documentation for context
			sensitive help from within SNNS. This ASCII 
			file can be also be used as a primitive user 
			manual if you cannot print the PostScript manual
			or obtain the written documentation.

kernel/			SNNS simulator kernel directory.

tools/                  directory with some useful tools and demos to help 
			with the usage of SNNS.
userman/		hookup place for SNNS user manual LaTeX sources 
			directory. The manual itself has to be retrieved 
			and unpacked seperately.

xgui/			SNNS simulator X window graphical user
			interface directory

		     End of SNNSv4.2 Readme file