
snipe gallery / News: Recent posts

Snipe Gallery 3.1.3 Released

Well, despite the fact that we swore we were going to take a break, we have released yet another version of snipe gallery. In version 3.1.3, admins have the option to turn on the keyword display in the user view - and they can also turn on keyword searching. The keyword searching checks the database for other images using that same keyword - and if it finds a match, it links the keyword in the image display to the search results.... read more

Posted by A Gianotto 2005-03-08

Snipe Gallery 3.1.2 Released

Version 3.1.2 fixes a few more bugs and implements the ability to preserve and import IPTC image data.

No SQL files were changes, but both user and admin core files have been modified. Upgrading is recommended.

Get it here:

Posted by A Gianotto 2005-03-08

Version 3.1.0 Released

The biggest change in this release is the re-implementation of the search feature. (Also allowed auto-publishing via the import tool)


* /layout/header.php (added search link)
* /image.php (changed bottom nav to direct back to search page if keywords are detected)
* /layout/style.php (added span.highlighttxt for search word highlighting)
* /admin/import/index.php (added ability to auto-publish imported images) ... read more

Posted by A Gianotto 2005-02-14

snipe gallery BETA v3.0.2 released

We have gone through some extensive testing on multiple systems and feel comfortable moving snipe gallery 3 into BETA. Download the source files for it here:

If you run into problems, or if you have questions or comments, please feel free to visit our forums at

Posted by A Gianotto 2004-09-06

snipe gallery 3.0 pre-beta codebase available

Please feel free to download the pre-beta (aka NOT YET STABLE) version of snipe gallery v.3. If you install it and run into any issues (or if you install it and don't run into any issues!), please take a moment to tell us about it on our forums at:

Posted by A Gianotto 2004-08-26

snipe gallery 3.0 demo available

The long-awaited and vastly improved version 3 demo of snipe gallery is now available for a test drive!

New features include:
-Bugfixes for pagination in the admin
-MUCH cleaner interface, easier to use
-Built-in troubleshooting
-Option to assign "picture frames" for the specific image galleries
-Assign sorting order by gallery
-Auto-detection of GD version for optimum thumbnailing
-Built-in watermarking option
-image cache option to retain un-watermarked version
-Online thumbnailer/cropping tool
-more!... read more

Posted by A Gianotto 2004-08-17