
Update procedures, not sure if im doing it right?

  • tstech

    tstech - 2016-06-29

    Hi all

    Im using the auto update popup in the program and letting it download the files.
    Then i goto the update folder and copy all the files into the main folders.
    Then i run the delete old files bat from the main folder where it was copied.
    Then i delete the update folder and the delete old bat and the old exes if it has changed them.

    Is this right?

    One other thought it always says its doing gigs of download even when its doing 10 files seems to be way excessive for a few files?

  • volodya61

    volodya61 - 2016-06-29

    No, that's not right.. auto update is auto update.. it's meen update is fully automatic.. the app itself will remove/delete all unnecessary and put the updates into the folders..

  • tstech

    tstech - 2016-06-29

    Ok so do i just run the update, delete the old exe's if needed and delete the update folder?

  • volodya61

    volodya61 - 2016-06-29

    the app will do it..

  • tstech

    tstech - 2016-06-30

    the app?

    when its finished updating i still have a folder with all the updates in it and 2 lots of exe's as it goes onto usb i have to conserve space so i cant leave the updates folder still there.

    Maybe the program should delete the updates folder after it has finished?

  • volodya61

    volodya61 - 2016-06-30

    I don't know why it doesn't work for you.. I just tried and it works fine for me, as it should be.. folder update was removed when update has finished.. just exe's remained, I deleted them manually..

  • tstech

    tstech - 2016-07-01

    The update folder is always left there are the update which is why i was confused, i didnt realise it should self delete.


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