lenny - 2005-12-06

This more than a news is a comment on the impressive work that developers have achieved with XUL. I'm stupefied :) FireFox if certainly the ideal platform for applications of the future! Check for example songbird, which is a complete desktop media player or "jukebox" with a uniquely open approach to Internet digital media network services..( http://www.songbirdnest.com/ )Yeah, watch out iTunes!!! Songbird is a kick ass! Go check the screenshots at their site! For me, the coolest feature would be the integration of network services through its interface. Digital media network services, simplistically put, are Web sites that do stuff with digital media. Examples of digital media network services include eMusic's á la carte MP3 store, Last.fm's social networking service, Odeo's podcast service or La Blogothèque, a personal MP3blog. Digital media network services are varied and produced by a diversity of service providers, just like Web sites. New services and service type opportunities are fomenting as Internet users utilize more digital media in novel ways.

It all this said, I encourage everyone to keep an eye on XUL because is coming strong.