
The new ranking has been posted...

  • Kevin W. Shockey

    w00t, the new ranking has been posted. We made four 9's WOO HOO! And yep that meand we are in the top twenty, well #20 to be exact. One more day like today and who knows....

    I'm going to stay up late and post this on O'Reilly. Thant should help too.

    • PJ Cabrera

      PJ Cabrera - 2005-06-14

      That is too cool. Let's keep spreading the word about SNAPPIX, to bring in more downloads per day!

    • Bullet Boy

      Bullet Boy - 2005-06-14

      Yeah, this is too sweet!, to think that in one day we'd go from #30 to #20 is a big achieved milestone, i might add. Let's keep it up, the more top we rank, the more people will be drawn to our products. But, to make that happen we gotta work as a team and all chip in. We can do it, fellas, look how far we've gotten.


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