
Full Abstracts are due today!

  • Kevin W. Shockey

    Just a quick reminder, for those of you that have already submitted an idea for the UMet conference, please write your full abstract of up to 300 words. They are due today, but I'll extend the deadline until Wednesday 8/10/05.

    Any of you that have already completed your first draft, then ignore this message.

    • PJ Cabrera

      PJ Cabrera - 2005-08-09

      Go go, SNAP team! :-)

    • Ernesto Díaz

      Ernesto Díaz - 2005-08-09


    • lenny

      lenny - 2005-08-12

      I been busy as hell and I apoligize for not acomplishing the deadlines. . .My work is in research yet but I asure you it'll come together. . .Im looking forward to completing it. WHO STILL INTERESTED IN DOING THEIR PRESENTATION???
      Lets make this happen guys! ! whoever still on . . . post before monday.. we need to get organized. . .I suggest we get together at whatever time is appropiate for all and have a discussion see either our overall strategy or individual ones...we need to work as a team. SO post if you are in and what time is best to make the meeting.. Thanks!!  !


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