
Creative Reprisal

Bullet Boy
  • Bullet Boy

    Bullet Boy - 2005-04-27

    Well my fellow dudes, i'm going to throw out some creative ideas, just to get them out of my system and see if we can come up with something constructive for SNAP. Some of us may not think so, but our "Industry Voices" can have a much better attendance than it has. You'd think students know they can come in and attend that sort of thing?. Think Different. I think some of us, should invade the classrooms and give small talks about our activities on SNAP(we can do it, instead of P.J. & Kev, they're busy as hell) and the welcoming of students since some of them think were a secret society and we don't offer anything to them as far as an activity of "Industry Voices" is concerned. I think we should do that, also post flyers with at least a weeks notice of who's coming and prepare better for this sor of thing. We can also do that on our trainings on friday's and kill to birds with one shot. It's worth a try, i for one, intend to do the best i can to make SNAP more popular. A friend of mine said to me, you guys are better than ever, last year, i didn't even know what the hell SNAP was or the services they offered and that's changed since you dudes started working there. I plan to expand and broaden that statement as far as i can and with the help of you guys and approval of Kev & P.J., we could make SNAP a more productive machine. Any suggestions are more than welcome.


    • lenny

      lenny - 2005-04-27

      In addition to this, one thing that we can do to take the talks to the next level is if we video tape them, put them up in our snap at bc site (this would need to be approved by a higher power than mine) My other disadvantage is that I don't have a video cam. Anyone with one is interested? I encourage everyone to share their ideas not only about this, about anything that crosses your mind that can make snap a better place. and help us acomplish our goals. This is part of WHY the Brand Board is at the snap forums.

      "be AWESOME"! - quoted from Mr. Shockey


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