
Relayed help stop

  • kjames

    kjames - 2006-02-17


    I have been using Fluffy for some time now. Just recently we are getting relayed off of. I dont know how because we only use Fluffy as the incoming listener on port 25. We use a Lotus Notes server that will not allow relaying and as soon as we configured Notes to handle incoming it stop all relaying. So, somehow the relayer is using Fluffy to send all thier mail. The funny thing is that the Notes server is seeing all this traffic and sending it out. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks

    • Brian Fox

      Brian Fox - 2006-02-18

      Is it possible that Notes is checking for relaying based on where the connection comes from? Mail coming through fluffy may look like an internal client attempting to send out mail.

    • BJ Freeman

      BJ Freeman - 2006-02-18

      Fluffy has an option to recieve email for specific addresses.
      this is a txt file that you can edit with a list of  people that are suppose to recieve emails.

      if the address is not on the list it won't even go to notes.

      Also How are you determining that your are being used for a relay?

      it may be that some are spoffing you domain in the HElo to other mail servers.
      you can verify this by the sendt from IP included in the header of a email.

    • kjames

      kjames - 2006-02-21

      Thanks for the posts, I believe you are right. The mail coming into fluffy and handing off to notes is somehow telling notes its either internal or allowed somehow.

      I am not sure if its a relay but it looks like it. We are getting hundreds of email per minute coming into fluffy console and getting sent right out. These emails appear to be coming from Korea and getting sent to Korea. Any suggestions on how to stop this? I have too many outside users to put in the white list.

      • Brian Fox

        Brian Fox - 2006-02-21

        I think this is more of a notes issue. You need to tell notes not to relay except for authorized clients. Usually you can specify a range of ips that are allowed to relay. You'll want to put fluffy outside that range. Sorry I can't be more specific, I use exchange.


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