
Ver 1.4 and Exchange 5.5 forwarding to ISP's

  • Dustin

    Dustin - 2005-03-23

    This one has me scratching my head so I hope someone out there can help.
    Before implementing Fluffy this was not a problem.

    We have some users who are using an ISP for their e-mail but put name@mydomain in their user information and "reply to" rather then the name@isp.

    These users  have a mydomain mailbox on Exchange 5.5 that forwards their mail to a custom recipient which is the mail box at their ISP.

    The problem is that if name1@mydomain sends an e-mail to name2@mydomain, when we try to forward the e-mail to name2's ISP we are getting errors like :
    "The Destination Server reported 501 name1@ domain literals are not allowed"
    "The Destination Server reported 550. ISP requires a valid sender domain from name1@" is the IP of the ISP mail server where the e-mail originated from. They are catching on to the fact that name1@mydomain actualy sent the mail from the their ISP's IP.

    Outside of the X Processing tag I do not see anything significantly different in the header information og the e-mails with or without Fluffy. Some where name1@mydomain is being changed to name1@the isp's IP?

    This does not happen if I bypass Fluffy.

    Why does it happen?
    Can anyone think of a work around?

    • Willem Jackson

      Willem Jackson - 2005-03-24

      Now, I could be completely wrong, but try this and see what happens.

      Try adding name1@, name2@ etc to your Email Addresses tab in Fluffy.

    • Dustin

      Dustin - 2005-03-24

      Adding the users e-mails to the e-mail tab does not resolve the issue. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Hogan Long

      Hogan Long - 2005-03-26

      Are you having this problem with AOL?

      I recently started having a problem forwarding to aol -- they are giving a 421 error.

      The problem is that it gives this error when the email originates from aol!

      It seems they parse the page for ALL cases of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and then do a reverse dns on that number and if they don't find it they reject the letter.  I would not care (hey it is a good anti-spam tool) BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE HAVE ALL YOUR SERVERS CHECK OUT.

      Sorry for the mild rant.  I believe this started about Feb 15th.

      So to recap the problem is someone at AOL sends a letter to my mail server... it goes thru fluffy, my mail server forwards it to an aol user and it gets rejected with a 421

      Of course mail direct from my server does not get the 421.

      Basically AOL is saying their users are spammers and won't accept mail from them!

      Ironic in a way.


    • BJ Freeman

      BJ Freeman - 2005-04-16

      can you post part of the fluffy log.
      Also the header of one of emails before it is sent to the ISP.
      I am guesing it has to do with the way fluffy determins the ISP and can not resolve the IP to a Domain.

      • BJ Freeman

        BJ Freeman - 2005-04-16

        I see you entered a bug report so if you can add those to that report.


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