
Delivery Receipt problem

  • Amila Shrimal

    Amila Shrimal - 2009-10-08

    I am using version 3.4. Can anyone tell me to get the delivery message and
    check the related original message for that

    Thanks in advance


  • Oran Kelly

    Oran Kelly - 2009-10-08

    You request a delivery receipt by setting the "registered" property
    to 1 on your submit_sm:


    When you receive the delivery receipt (via a deliver_sm) you have to parse the
    text of the message to locate the message ID for the originally submitted
    message. This will be the same message ID as you received in your

  • Amila Shrimal

    Amila Shrimal - 2009-10-08

    Hi orank.

    Thank u very much for the fast reply..

    I set "registered" property to 1 on submit_sm and send the message.
    But delivery receipt comes as a delivery_sm not as a submitsm_resp.

    message ID comes as null in delivery_sm as well.

    (I saw in several places that has to set optional parameters to get receipt
    details that relevant to the original message)

    Thanks in advance


  • Oran Kelly

    Oran Kelly - 2009-10-08

    Yes, that's what I said. You receive the delivery receipt via a deliver_sm
    packet. Setting the registered property on your submit_sm packet only
    requests a delivery receipt.

    1. You send a submit_sm with registered == 1
    2. You receive a submit_sm_resp which contains a message ID.
    3. When the message is delivered, the SMSC generates a delivery receipt which it delivers to you via a deliver_sm.
    4. You parse the message (as in the message text or message payload) from the deliver_sm to find the message ID you received in step 2, this is how you correlate the delivery receipt with the original message.
  • Amila Shrimal

    Amila Shrimal - 2009-10-08

    Hi Orank

    Thank u very much. Its working fine now.. I was stucked with this several days
    with this issue. today I can have a good sleep.

    Thanks a lot again.



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