
#440 smplayer freeezes with 100% CPU use


Information about software from smplayer:

Version: 0.6.9+SVN-r3608
Using Qt 4.7.3 (compiled with Qt 4.7.3)
Using MPlayer SVN r33161

While mplayer reports
MPlayer SVN-r33577-4.6.0 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team

The OS in use: Current Arch Linux i686


while mplayer shows the movie without problem when started from commandline, playing the same movies trough smplayer causes smplayer to use 99% CPU and the video to eventually freeze while the console spits out hundreds of messages like:

Debug: MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 25391 with 33577
Debug: MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 29407 with 33577
Debug: MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 25391 with 33577
Debug: MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 29407 with 33577

Problem started after updating mplayer to SVN33577 and smplayer to SVN3608


  • rozwell

    rozwell - 2011-06-20

    It's mailny because of some changes in mplayer which seems to be returning "hundreds of" chapters now (which I personally never used before).
    As a temporary workaround I've disabled chapters what makes smplayer working again:

    Index: src/basegui.cpp

    --- src/basegui.cpp (wersja 3608)
    +++ src/basegui.cpp (kopia robocza)
    @@ -2890,7 +2890,8 @@

    - if (core->mdat.chapters > 0) {
    +// if (core->mdat.chapters > 0) {
    + if (false) {
    for (n=0; n < core->mdat.chapters; n++) {
    QAction *a = new QAction(chapterGroup);

  • Ricardo Villalba

    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Ricardo Villalba

    I've just compiled the latest mplayer (svn 33684) and I can't see any problem at all.

  • rozwell

    rozwell - 2011-06-20

    Sorry, I forgot to add my software info:
    mplayer version: 2:1.0~svn33647~natty (from )
    smplayer version: 0.6.9-SVN-r3608 (compiled via
    It's probably fixed already then, waiting for an update...

  • rozwell

    rozwell - 2011-06-22

    Ok, I've found what caused the problem.
    When I was unable to reproduce that issue on live cd (with all important packages up-to-date), I started to think the issue can be somewhere in configuration. I was right.
    When I removed (moved as a backup) whole configuration dir:
    smplayer worked like a charm, so I began to compare differences between ini files:
    The option which caused the problem was cache_for_files in performance section:


    I had it set to 2000 (hey, cache is a good thing, right?), probably when I was configuring smplayer for the first time.
    Changing this value to 0 makes smplayer working again.
    The funny thing is all movies I checked have no chapters.

    This seems to be mplayer issue so please someone investigate this and report to mplayer team.

    To smplayer team: IMHO you should limit chapters amount to some safe value.

    To others who needs that cache, this should work (not checked):

    if (core->mdat.chapters > 0) {
    int chapters_limit = (core->mdat.chapters > 50) ? 50 : core->mdat.chapters;
    for (n=0; n < chapters_limit; n++) {
    QAction *a = new QAction(chapterGroup);
    a->setText( QString::number(n+1) );
    a->setData( n + Core::firstChapter() );
    } else {
    QAction * a = chapterGroup->addAction( tr("<empty>") );
    chapters_menu->addActions( chapterGroup->actions() );

  • Ionut Biru

    Ionut Biru - 2011-06-22

    i definitely have this problem and trace it in the same area with chapters.

    to replicate this compile the latest mplayer svn and play avi,mp4 file types. with mkv everything is fine

  • Eivind

    Eivind - 2011-06-22

    Deleting ~/.config/smplayer/ (and thus also getting cache_for_files=0) are fixing this issue for me without disabling chapters for the files I've tried. I tested out the patch to disable chapters too, this helped on some files, but seems to prevent the playability of some other ones...

  • Eivind

    Eivind - 2011-06-22
    • status: closed-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • Eivind

    Eivind - 2011-06-22
    • status: open-works-for-me --> open
  • Ionut Biru

    Ionut Biru - 2011-07-08

    in the end, it seems it was a mplayer bug. now is working fine when using newer snapshot


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