
Importing Zones

  • Matthew Anderson

    I have smbind installed but how can I import the existing zones I have into the mysql database?

    • blentz

      blentz - 2005-08-12

      Depending on how many zones you have, the procedure will be different to make the most efficient use of the data you have. If you have a lot of zones, I suggest you parse together a simple list of your zones and create a list of batch SQL INSERT statements for the zones table. Make a look at the zones table schema to see what each table field should be. Try "DESC zones;".

      If you have only a few zones, you can parse your existing zone files into a list of SQL INSERT statements for the records table. Again, take a look at the table records table schema to see what each table field should be. Try "DESC records;".

      Parsing together a list of SQL INSERT statements can be done with tools like sed or awk or perl. You can even do it with Excel if you're a Windows user and aren't quite comfortable with unix command line text processing tools.

      There's no wrong way to do it, so go ahead and experiment! The Web interface will show you what your imported data looks like, and if you make a mistake, it should be obvious either immediately, or during the Commit Changes error checking process.


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