
A new SMBIND fork released

  • voldern

    voldern - 2008-06-15

    I just wanted to announce that i just released the first version of a fork for SMBIND called WMBIND (Web Management for BIND), with almost all the source code written from scratch.

    This is from the README:
    * What makes WMBIND better than SMBIND?
            No change has been done to SMBIND since the start of 2007, and because of this
            SMBIND amongst other things uses a deprecate PHP module. WMBIND does also feature stronger
            security when it comes to storing user passwords (if not running in compability mode).

            The biggest reason i created this project is because the SMBIND code is a bit
            messy (no offence), so it was hard to make fast changes to the code. WMBIND is coded
            following the MVC-paradigm, forcing good separation of business logic and the templates.
            This also makes the code easier to navigate and change.

            WMBIND does also feature many other small improvements.

    I would really appreciate some help with the beta testing and with cleaning up the English.

    • blentz

      blentz - 2008-06-15

      As the first person to download WMBIND, I wish to welcome you to your new en devour. I'd love to test it out, but I'm not in a position to migrate my production servers to PHP 5.1.

      I certainly wasn't aware that there was deprecated code in SMBIND, but you would have been welcomed as a fellow developer to correct this had you not chosen to fork to your own project!

      I, honestly, can't follow your code, but I recognize there are different strokes for different folks. I'm certainly not offended! My code is loosely structured after Squirrelmail, which has been wildly successful and maintainable.

      Best of luck


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