
#41 commit.php (smbind 0.4.8) + named-checkzone (9.7.3) bug

v1.0 (example)


There is a bug with smbind when using "named-checkzone" utility.

The problem is as following:

  • When you add a zone, ie. "", and set nameservers to be subdomains of the same zone ie. "" and "", then trying to commit SMBIND will give error "The following zone contains bad or uncommitted records:"

I've done investigation on this for hours until I found the source of the problem.

Namely; the "named-checkzone" utlity checks the generated zone file and gives exit status 1, because of missing "A" records for the "" and "" which are not generated by SMBIND (commit.php to be exact).

Following example will illustrate this better:

  • Create new zone "" -> NS1: -> NS2:
  • Commit changes

We get the above mentioned error and the following zone file "":

$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA (
2013092500 ; Serial
28800 ; Refresh
7200 ; Retry
1209600 ; Expire
86400) ; Negative Cache TTL

When run through the "named-checkzone" utility (which commit.php uses) we get the following result (and exit status 1 instead of 0):

/usr/sbin/named-checkzone zones/
zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA)
zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA)
zone not loaded due to errors.

Workaround which I used for this is to disable the "named-checkzone" utility checking in "src/commit.php", to be able to have SMBIND generate the zone file properly, but then this means there is no syntax checking of the records I add through SMBIND.

I commented the following lines in "src/commit.php":

//$cmd = $_CONF['namedcheckzone'] . " " . $zone[1] . " " . $_CONF['path'] . preg_replace('/\//','-',$zone[1]) . " > /dev/null";
//system($cmd, $exit);

And added:
$exit = 0;

As I said, this resolves the issue, but I lose syntax checking of the Zone file generated by SMBIND, which I would prefer to have.



Bugs: #41


  • Alessandro Forghieri

    I have been using this software for years to manage 800+ domains. Time to give back.
    As somebody may have noticed, bind 9.x broke at some point, the check feature of smbind. This set of patches restores that capabilities, fixes a couple of pgsql and adds zone/record filtering. And then some. Code tested in production.

    From the README.PATCH:
    2013-11-22 - Modena
    This set of patches, applied to smbind, does four things. In order of
    decreasing importance:

    1) Makes all the commit machinery work under bind 9.x
    The core idea of smbind's commit is:
    a) write a zone stub to disk, run named-checkxxx
    b) append records to the stub, run named-checkxxx
    c) restart named and mark failed records (if any) for examination.

    The way the zone stub was written in (a) stopped working at some
    bind release (I do not know which) because named-checkzone now
    requires that nameservers for a zone also have A records if they
    are in that zone. So, in this case, one needs to insert the A
    records for the NSs in the stub zone file

    2) Fixes a couple of postgresql bugs that (a) makes the number of
    records/page configuration not functional (b) makes zone
    deletion impossible.

    3) Adds zone and record search/filtering forms on the appropriate

    4) Adds a logging facility (wrapping Kenny Katzgrau's class), debugging code, CLI testing code,
    and a way to run commands (commit, above all) from the command
    line. This makes it possible to run scripts without having to
    commit manually (but remember to fix permissions ont the zone
    files). For instance, I have a script that pushes a number of new
    zones to the DBMS then calls on commit.php. Useful when you are
    adding tens of zones in a single sweep.

    Note that the bind changes detailed in (1) make smbind basically
    nonfunctional unless you set the path to named-checkxxx to something
    like /bin/true in config.php. That pretty much cripples smbind, tho'.

    Also, you may live WITHOUT applying the patch if you keep the
    nameserver's A records in a separate zone that you manage outside
    smbind (say directly within named.conf). The disfunctional behavior
    described above is noticeable only for the zones that also contain
    their NSs.

    Changes to single files are detailed below.

    To apply:
    copy the patch file somewhere, name it (for instance)
    smbind-0.4.8xbind9.patch. Then:

    # unzip
    # cd smbind-0.4.8
    # patch -p1 < smbind-0.4.8xbind9.patch

    That should be it.

    Caveat Emptor:
    Code provided AS IS, no warranty, no responsibility implied by the
    part of the author.

    Also, have fun.

    Alessandro Forghieri

    • Nedzad Campara

      Nedzad Campara - 2013-11-26

      Hi Alessandro,

      The patch fixes the issue of #1, except a small thing. When I add a host "@", to make a record for the top level domain of the zone, it marks the record as invalid.

      For example if I want to add an "A" or "MX" record for "" in the zone "", I would put "@" in the "host" field, but as I said, now with the patch, it marks the record as invalid :/.

      Any ideas?


  • Alessandro Forghieri


    On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:46:33PM +0000, Nedzad Campara wrote:

    Hi Alessandro,

    The patch fixes the issue of #1, except a small thing. When I add a host "@", to make a record for the top level domain of the zone, it marks the record as invalid.

    For example if I want to add an "A" or "MX" record for "" in the zone "", I would put "@" in the "host" field, but as I said, now with the patch, it marks the record as invalid :/.

    Any ideas?

    No idea, except that I cannot reproduce it (all my zones have
    @...records, by the way). I added a zone, added

    | @|MX|10||

    And saw no problem whatsoever. You are not putting the final period in
    the hostname, by any chance? That would mark the record as invalid, as
    smbind adds it automatically.



    [bugs:#41] commit.php (smbind 0.4.8) + named-checkzone (9.7.3) bug

    Status: open
    Created: Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:44 PM UTC by Nedzad Campara
    Last Updated: Fri Nov 22, 2013 04:40 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody


    There is a bug with smbind when using "named-checkzone" utility.

    The problem is as following:

    • When you add a zone, ie. "", and set nameservers to be subdomains of the same zone ie. "" and "", then trying to commit SMBIND will give error "The following zone contains bad or uncommitted records:"

    I've done investigation on this for hours until I found the source of the problem.

    Namely; the "named-checkzone" utlity checks the generated zone file and gives exit status 1, because of missing "A" records for the "" and "" which are not generated by SMBIND (commit.php to be exact).

    Following example will illustrate this better:

    • Create new zone "" -> NS1: -> NS2:
    • Commit changes

    We get the above mentioned error and the following zone file "":

    $TTL 86400
    @ IN SOA (
    2013092500 ; Serial
    28800 ; Refresh
    7200 ; Retry
    1209600 ; Expire
    86400) ; Negative Cache TTL
    @ IN NS
    @ IN NS

    When run through the "named-checkzone" utility (which commit.php uses) we get the following result (and exit status 1 instead of 0):

    /usr/sbin/named-checkzone zones/
    zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA)
    zone NS '' has no address records (A or AAAA)
    zone not loaded due to errors.

    Workaround which I used for this is to disable the "named-checkzone" utility checking in "src/commit.php", to be able to have SMBIND generate the zone file properly, but then this means there is no syntax checking of the records I add through SMBIND.

    I commented the following lines in "src/commit.php":

    //$cmd = $_CONF['namedcheckzone'] . " " . $zone[1] . " " . $_CONF['path'] . preg_replace('/\//','-',$zone[1]) . " > /dev/null";
    //system($cmd, $exit);

    And added:
    $exit = 0;

    As I said, this resolves the issue, but I lose syntax checking of the Zone file generated by SMBIND, which I would prefer to have.


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    Bugs: #41

  • blentz

    blentz - 2014-08-12

    Resolved in smbind-

  • blentz

    blentz - 2014-08-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: blentz

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