
Alexander Reinholdt
There is a newer version of this page. You can find it here.

Smb4K is an advanced network neighborhood browser for the KDE Software Compilation and a frontend to the programs of the Samba software suite. Its purpose is to provide a program that's easy to use and has as many features as possible. It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL v2). Linux and FreeBSD are officially supported.

For a quick overview, visit our project's summary page. If you want to rate Smb4K or write a review, go here. Bugs can be reported here.

The documentation for Smb4K is available online as HTML version and as PDF file.

Latest News

Smb4K 4.0 beta2 (3.2.81) released

by Alexander Reinholdt 2024-09-06

The Smb4K project is proud to announce the availability of Smb4K 3.2.81, the second beta version of the upcoming 4.0 branch. If you find bugs, please consider reporting them to either the bug tracker or to our Help forum.

Have a look at the Git commit history for more information about the changes.

The source can be downloaded from our download section. There will be no binary packages.

Smb4K 4.0 beta1 (3.2.80) released

by Alexander Reinholdt 2024-07-19

The Smb4K project is proud to announce the availability of Smb4K 3.2.80, the first beta version of the upcoming 4.0 branch. If you find bugs, please consider reporting them to either the bug tracker or to our Help forum.

Have a look at the Git commit history for more information about the changes.

The source can be downloaded from our download section. There will be no binary packages.

Smb4K 4.0 alpha3 (3.2.72) released

by Alexander Reinholdt 2024-06-23

The Smb4K project is proud to announce the availability of Smb4K 3.2.72, the third alpha version of the upcoming 4.0 branch. If you find bugs, please consider reporting them to either the bug tracker or to our Help forum.

Please note that with this release the way how and where Smb4K stores the login credentials changed. By using QtKeychain, it is now possible to also use GNOME Keyring, KeePassXC or other password managers. On the first start, the login credentials will be migrated to the new format and the active secure storage (password manager). This change is impomatible to earlier versions of Smb4K.

Have a look at the Git commit history for more information about the changes.

The source can be downloaded from our download section. There will be no binary packages.

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