
Combo Box question

  • Loren Semple

    Loren Semple - 2010-11-03

    hi, I am writing a program that uses comboboxes that have the styles CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_HASSTRINGS | | WS_VSCROLL

    This makes the combobox also a textbox, ie you can type into it or select an item from its drop down.

    However, I am trying to capture events for the text-box part of the combobox (onkeypressed, and onfocus ect). But none of them work when I click to focus the text-only area. They work when I hit the drop down button (triggers onFocus), but if I put the mouse on the text-edit part and focus it onFocus is not called ?

    any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  • Loren Semple

    Loren Semple - 2010-11-04

    ok I got it to work by copying and pasting an example of the use of the onRaw exception handler.


  • Mark Guadalupe

    Mark Guadalupe - 2010-11-04

    if you could post it here on how you resolve it, that would be great. thanks.


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