
Multiple Audio Streams...

  • Jon

    Jon - 2013-01-25


    I'm having an issue with some recordings that have multiple audio streams - on some channels in the UK you have the main audio stream, and a second stream which is used for descriptive audio - it contains information about what's happening for people who have sight problems. Usually the primary stream is AC3 or HE-AAC, and the descriptive stream is AAC-MP4 with a descption of 'visual impaired commentary'.

    The issue is that sometimes SMTV will pick the wrong stream, and doesn't have the option of swapping :(

    Can the selection of audio streams be added as a feature request, or add some logic to pick the right audio stream please? :) I can provide samples if you need to test..



    • steffen

      steffen - 2013-01-25

      Hi Jon,
      yes, the missing audio stream selection is really annoying. As soon as we found an appropriate API function, we will implement it. Maybe you find an API call for that: .

      • Jon

        Jon - 2013-01-26

        I can't see anything in there. There's something listed at:

        but it may be a patch for the TV, not something that uses the samsung APIs... There's source code there, may be of some help!

      • David

        David - 2013-02-23

        I had a look into this a while ago. It looks like Player->SetStreamID might do it, but this function doesn't appear to be documented...

        There's some commented-out code in Player.js which includes a call to SetStreamID; what's the status of this code?

        • steffen

          steffen - 2013-03-04

          Hi David, please try the current beta version. In this version, you can change the audio stream by pressing the green key. You can find the beta version on our server. Just enter the IP on SmartHub and sync the applications.

          • David

            David - 2013-03-07


            My TV (an ES8000) will not allow me to install v5.0...

            It complains about the use of the following "undocumented" API calls:
            Player.js(38) - OnRenderingComplete
            Player.js(39) - OnCurrentPlayTime
            Player.js(40) - OnStreamInfoReady

            This is apparently a security measure:

            • David

              David - 2013-03-10

              OK, the problem is that those aren't functions, they're events that need to be attached to handlers. So change those three lines to:

              Playeremp.OnRenderingComplete = 'ScenePlayer.prototype.endOfStream';
              playeremp.OnCurrentPlayTime = 'OSD.updateOSD';
              playeremp.OnStreamInfoReady = 'ScenePlayer.prototype.getDuration';

              After that, the new version installs and works perfectly! Not only can I avoid the audio descriptive track, I can select a Dolby track when one exists and get 5.1 output :-)

              Good work!

  • Jon

    Jon - 2013-01-25

    Sorry - put this in the wrong forum and can't move it now :(


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