
smartision ScreenCopy / News: Recent posts

New project admin

I added lancerlotz as a project admin, as I don't have time to continue developing.

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2005-02-24

French docs

I made the french docs available as a separate download.

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2004-01-03

Future of ScreenCopy

To all ScreenCopy users: As you can see, there haven't been any changes for about one year now. ScreenCopy is a freetime project, and I can't work on it currently due to my studies. But: The ScreenCopy project is not dead. There have been several requests to update ScreenCopy in the last weeks, and I'll try to continue with my work when I find the time. Steffen

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2003-12-21

CVS Changes

* Added "autostart with windows" feature
* Added "Copy image to clipboard" function
* French docs included

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-12-05

V2.3 released


- Now includes docs
- Added french version
- Bug fixes

New features:

- File filtering by date and name
- Bitmap color depth settings
- Image resizing

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-09-04

Survey: V2.3 Feature wish list

I added a feature wish list survey for ScreenCopy V2.3. Id like to know which features are most wanted, so I can include them.

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-27

V2.2 released

New features:

* Reload images button
* Sorting images by filename/date
* Now disabling all buttons while loading and sorting images
* Now changing icon and caption when Auto Screenshot mode is active
* Open folder of current image
* Possibility to limit the number of screenshots made with Auto Screenshot
* Optimized image loading

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-17

Larger CVS Changes

- Removed unnecessary call of ListWindows
- Removing leading and trailing empty spaces
- Now opening screenshots root folder when no screenshots exist
- Added routine to prevent more than one '.' char in screenshot filename
- Now changing caption of tray menu item for Autoscreenshot when active
- Now changing icon and caption when Auto Screenshot mode is active
- Added hint info to tray icon
- Changed MakeScreenShot procedure format to use AutoShoot boolean parameter

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-14

CVS Update

- Added hotkey for Auto Screenshot
- Bug fix: German tray menu translation done

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-08

Several CVS Changes

- New feature: Open folder of current image
- Now checking for valid file extension in settings
- Added possibility to set screenshot filename back to default

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-07

CVS Changes

- New feature: Limit number of screenshots made with Auto Screenshot
- New feature: Sorting images by filename/date
- Several bug fixes

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-07

New Release: V2.1

A new Version has been released.
- New feature: Autoscreenshot
- Small bugfixes and improvements

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-07-02

CVS: Minimize/tray icon delay

1. Now minimizing on close
Exit the program with Mainmenu/tray menu
2. Now hiding tray icon with a small delay

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-06-22

Homepage active

The homepage at is now active.

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-05-29

First Public release

The first binaries and source files can now be downloaded.

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-05-29

CVS set up

Source has been uploaded with CVS

Posted by Steffen Schramm 2002-05-28