
slayer / News: Recent posts

Progress report

Since the project is frozen - use MythTV instead! Cool stuff! And indeed a slayer3 clone... ;-)

*happy hacking*

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2005-05-24

Progress report

Unfortunately the project is somewhat frozen...

This due to lack of time (rather other stuff w. higher priority). Hopefully some weekend during this summer, myself and anderz will continue and perhaps re-design the whole concept.

Until then, cheers!!

Ola Tenglin

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2004-05-13

Progress report

Ongoing investigation on how autoconf work.
(automake, configure, m4 aso.)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-09-10

New version of metacluedo (0.04)

Added verbose mode (switch) and logical stdout output.

This will be the SQL query, in a later version...

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-08-10

New essential piece released -dbFacade 0.01

The component that act as an interface toward the mySQL db has been released -dbFacade. Note that this is the very first draft. Please read the release note for this fellow for some more information. ;-)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-05-29

A new tool is born: prepvault!

By using this, the media repository will be prepared in a proper manner.
First public version will just create directories in the repository root. Directories are named a-z, 0-9.

This tool will most probably be more enhanced regarding preparations of the slayer system.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-05-28

New version of metacluedo : 0.03

A new version of metacluedo has been published.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-05-28

metacluedo first draft

Implementation of metacluedo has started. First draft created, and work without compiling errors... -no wonder, it's wirtten in perl... ;-)

metacluedo is the fellow that will send all information regarding a media file to the dbFacade plugin. (Formerly known as db_injector)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-04-13

db_engine renamed!

The former db_engine has been renamed to a more logical name: DBFacade. Since this is the actual frontend to the mySQL server.
The component "db_engine" is actual a functionality within the mySQL server. ;-)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-02-08

Database definitions published

The first release of the db structure has been published.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2003-01-12

New minutes from 2002-11-23

From our latest meeting. First time @ Alx panzerpenthouse.
NOTE! Minutes in Swedish!! (could be translated in a near future)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-12-02

New minutes from 2002-10-23 uploaded!

Another meeting, another minutes.... ;-)

*happy hacking*

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-26

New minutes uploaded! 2002-10-20

Minutes from the meeting held at anderz place 2002-10-16 has been uploaded. See the "Docs" section.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-19

New minutes uploaded

Meeting notes from the lates meeting created, uploaded and published.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-14

Increment plan revision 0.01 uploaded.

See the "Docs" section...

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-12

Minutes of Meeting uploaded

A new MoM has been uploaded. Look under the "Docs" section.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-12

Architecture is almost settled!

After an intensive project meeting the architecture framework is allmost settled. The system will consist of a central broker and several plugins.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-10-12

Specification updated!

A new revision of the specification documentation has been published. Revision is currently 0.02. A lot of "TBD" section still remaining though...

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-09-25

Summery of things to come...

To summerize some of the things to come.

Central database (MySQL has been loosly choosen)
DB Access should proly be via c++ (or some other loose end).
Every access to the db is done via plugins that the broker at the db end will handle access to and from.
MMI, decoder, encoder, download, hardware etc...
All communication will be via XML (woopie)...

Well this was a simple reminder of things to come.
Next step will be to design the DB and the Broker.
This will be a massive planning and not much implementation will be done until it has been successfull completed.
Afterwards we can proly start implementation of the db interface and the broker. When this is done and has been successfully tested it will be a simple task to implement the various plugins (oh yes).... read more

Posted by alexander schussler 2002-09-24

First system draft

Yesterday, four guys drafted on how the system would look like from an object point of view. A central broker that handles request in xml format to different plug-ins. Looks very promising.

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-09-24


The slayer project is reborn! The project consist of three members now! :-)

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2002-09-22

Status update!

Right now it is possible to click on a "play button" next to a tune from a web client. It will actually play it through xmms with the aid of mysql, some perl programs and cgi...

Posted by Ola TeNGiL Tenglin 2001-07-18