
#958 Symmetric vision


I am wondering why creatures can use their gaze attack on you when you are viewing them through a wall while wearing the eyes of the overworld. While I understand that the astral vision acts like the wall is not there the creature should not be able to see you in order to use its gaze attack as you can see the babau stars into my eyes. Well how is he focusing on me if I am on the other side of a wall? Is there a rationale I am missing or is this a bug?
I guess it's a bug. There is a function "places you can see", but no function "places this monster can see". Usually, vision is symmetric, so it wouldn't matter if you should call the other function. I think that's not the only instance of asymmetric visibility, just the worst. If a yellow light or other illuminating monster moves next to a monster with a gaze attack that is otherwise in the dark, it will suddenly become visible and thus able to gaze at you. The amount of light around you is irrelevant. Pretty sure infravision also counts as well


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