
#4328 Have Mod Points, Cannot Mod

Slashdot Beta

As of Saturday, April 4, 2009 I cannot moderate some nested comments or, as in the Three Mile Island story, cannot moderate at all, however the home pages says I have 10 points left. Attachment shows how I cannot mode nested comments.


  • Mike Dunsavage

    Mike Dunsavage - 2009-04-04

    Showing how cannot mode nested comments.

  • alain williams

    alain williams - 2009-04-12

    I suspect that the reason is that you are running firefox NoScript (javascript blocker) or equivalent.

    The same thing happened to me a few days ago, I initially assumed that it was some random /. breakage but it lasted several days ... I probed and found that enabling scripts from fixed my issue.

    The real bugs are:

    1) /. using scripts from somewhere that has no obvious relationship to /.
    2) /. updating their web site in this way but not warning/documenting -- so that people like thee and I get confused

  • Paul Riley

    Paul Riley - 2009-09-11

    I have experienced the same issue. I did run NoScript and was able to mdoerate until about that point. Now, I am unable to moderate, even though I saw that I have mod points.

    I uninstalled NoScript and I still am unable to moderate. I have checked in IE 8 and noticied that moderation does not work in that browser also, which is leading me to think that an Windows XP "security update" some how broke the site with NoScript.

  • Paul Riley

    Paul Riley - 2009-09-11

    I just tested this on my Linux workstation.

    The page is trying to open a link and transfer data to

  • jrslepak

    jrslepak - 2010-06-22

    Possible workaround: I disabled javascript and changed to "Classic Discussion System," and the "moderate" button reappeared at the bottom.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-23

    Since yesterday, I have mod points but selecting the pulldown does nothing. I do see javascript errors in both Firefox and IE like:

    D2 is not defined
    [Break on this error] D2.d2_keybindings_disable()[191] = 1;
    commen...2663654 (line 488)
    D2 is not defined
    [Break on this error] D2.currents()['hidden'] = 0;
    commen...2663654 (line 670)
    D2 is not defined
    [Break on this error] D2.slider = new D2.Slider(
    commen...2663654 (line 421)
    D2 is not defined
    [Break on this error] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
    commen...2663654 (line 1)
    D2 is not defined
    [Break on this error] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
    commen...2663654 (line 1)
    D2 is not defined

    Also, clicking to view a comment doesn't just expand on the page, it loads a separate page with just that comment tree


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