
#3112 getObject() fails over log_slave incorrectly

MySQL (78)

While our log_slave was correctly marked as down by our angel:

mysql> select * from dbs;
| id | virtual_user | isalive | type | weight |
| 1 | slashdot | yes | writer | 1 |
| 2 | reader28 | yes | reader | 1 |
| 3 | reader26 | yes | reader | 1 |
| 4 | logdb | yes | log | 1 |
| 5 | search | yes | search | 1 |
| 6 | log_slave | no | log_slave | 1 |
| 7 | log_slave | no | querylog | 1 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec) tried to run. Apparently its getObject()
requesting a log_slave dbh failed over to the main writer DB. This
wasn't too successful:

Tue Oct 5 12:13:06 2004 begin (24947)
t' -- hostinfo=' via TCP/IP' -- Table 'banjo.accesslog'
doesn't exist -- SELECT MAX(id) FROM accesslog
Which was called by:main:/usr/local/slash/site/
tasks/'slashdot' -- hostinf
o=' via TCP/IP' -- Table 'banjo.accesslog' doesn't exist
-- SELECT MAX(id) FROM accesslog

Now, it's a fair question as to whether we'd want it to fail over to
the logdb or just to fail. But whatever we decide, it shouldn't fail
over to the writer db. We need a proper way to indicate what the
second choice for a down 'type' should be.


  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2004-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    IIRC, this isn't too hard to add, because we made it fairly flexible. If you
    want me to look into it at some point, I can.

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2004-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    Yeah, I'm thinking I know how I might want to do it... but if I think more
    about it, I might think of a better way. I just haven't had time to think
    about it enough :)

    Share your thoughts here on if you want :)

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2004-11-09
    • assigned_to: jamiemccarthy --> pudge
  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2004-11-15

    Logged In: YES

    so maybe we just give the dbs table a column that lists other types or
    virtual users (probably types?), and write a basic algorithm to pick at
    them in succession until it runs out of options, at which point it fails.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2004-11-29
    • priority: 5 --> 3

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