
#2284 Search plugin requires 'soap_methods' table

Slash 2.3/2.4
MySQL (78)
Jay Bonci

From slash in CVS:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'slash.soap_methods'
doesn't exist
at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Slash/DB/ line 590.
Error in
pm:360:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findJournalEntry',
0, 'interval_check')
Which was called
161:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findJournalEntry',
0, 'interval_check')
Failed on :INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findJournalEntry',
0, 'interval_check'):
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'slash.soap_methods'
doesn't exist
at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Slash/DB/ line 590.
Error in
pm:360:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findPollQuestion',
0, 'interval_check')
Which was called
161:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findPollQuestion',
0, 'interval_check')
Failed on :INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findPollQuestion',
0, 'interval_check'):
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'slash.soap_methods'
doesn't exist
at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Slash/DB/ line 590.
Error in
pm:360:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findSubmission',
100, 'interval_check')
Which was called
161:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findSubmission',
100, 'interval_check')
Failed on :INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findSubmission',
100, 'interval_check'):
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'slash.soap_methods'
doesn't exist
at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Slash/DB/ line 590.
Error in
pm:360:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findRSS', 0, 'interval_check')
Which was called
161:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findRSS', 0, 'interval_check')
Failed on :INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findRSS', 0, 'interval_check'):
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'slash.soap_methods'
doesn't exist
at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0/Slash/DB/ line 590.
Error in
pm:360:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findDiscussion',
0, 'interval_check')
Which was called
161:INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findDiscussion',
0, 'interval_check')
Failed on :INSERT IGNORE INTO soap_methods (class,
method, seclev, formkeys) VALUES
('Slash::Search::SOAP', 'findDiscussion',
0, 'interval_check'):

This error occurs if you install the default selection of
plugins (not the SOAP plugin). The error does not occur
if you install the SOAP plugin at that time. I'm not sure
how to fix this, except to make Search depend on



  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2003-02-07
    • milestone: 101419 --> Slash 2.3/2.4
  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2003-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    Search shouldn't depend on SOAP, the problem is that the
    error from the INSERT IGNORE should be, well, ignored.

    We could hack _install() from

    unless ($self->sqlDo($_)) {
    print "Failed on :$_:\n";


    unless ($self->sqlDo($_) || /^INSERT IGNORE/) {
    print "Failed on :$_:\n";

    Or we could add the soap_methods table to the default
    slashschema_create.sql file but only actually use it if the
    SOAP plugin is installed. That makes more sense, because
    then, we wouldn't see differing site behavior depending on
    whether the admin installs SOAP before Search or vice-versa.

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2003-02-07
    • assigned_to: nobody --> krow
  • Rob Malda

    Rob Malda - 2003-06-19
    • assigned_to: krow --> pudge
  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-06-25

    Logged In: YES

    I don't know why IGNORE is used there at all, it does not do
    what it is apparently meant to do. It only ignores the
    INSERT if there is a duplicate key, not if there is a
    missing table.

    I guess we can install the soap_methods table by default; it
    would be better to be more intelligent about it, but that is
    too much work.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-06-26

    Logged In: YES

    OK, soap_methods table is now in main schema.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-06-26
    • assigned_to: pudge --> cmdrtaco
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Rob Malda

    Rob Malda - 2003-06-27
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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