
#224 Hide poll if poll has been voted in (or change ? ...)

Other (492)

The poll slashbox should be hidden if the user has
already voted for that poll.


  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-02-10

    I disagree. People will use the poll slashbox to check back to see the comments on a poll, or the current results. It definitely should not be hidden. Perhaps it should be altered so you can't vote; I don't know, that is a consideration. We'll look into that in a bit.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-02-10
    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • assigned_to: nobody --> pudge
    • summary: Hide poll if poll has been voted in --> Hide poll if poll has been voted in (or change ? ...)
  • Matthew Cline

    Matthew Cline - 2001-02-11

    Well, how about making it so that a voted-for
    poll looks different for a not-voted-for poll.
    Change the color of the slash box, move unvoted
    ones to the begining of the list of slashboxes,
    or something? The thing is, if the poll
    box is always there, then I start to ignore
    it after a while, and won't realize that
    a new poll is there until it's a few days or
    a week old.

    Of course, this problem probably doesn't
    happen to people who are more observant than
    me (i.e., 99.9% of the population of the world).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I think the poll shouldn't be hidden, but rather remove the radio inputs and replace them with bar graphs to show the amount of votes. So you see a poll, you select one of the radio inputs and click vote. Then when you see that poll again rather than having the ability to vote, next to each option is a coloured bar graph using it's length to denote what proportion of votes it has.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-02-14

    OK, this has been done: when you have already voted in a poll, the poll shows (unless you are looking at index.shtml, of course) no form, but the question and answers, with numbers of votes next to each answer. No graph, sorry, that would be cluttered and more work than I am willing to put into it. :-)

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2001-02-14
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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