

SkypeSedator automatically closes the Skype Home Popup Window and keeps itself in the Skype Process to continually check and close the popup, whenever it appears.

New Features:
  • Version 1.0: Created Setup
  • Version 0.9: Added OptionForm, added safer injection mechanism.
  • Version 0.8: bugfix: reinstalling a new version in autostartup did not work correctly
  • Version 0.7: Added GUI
  • Version 0.6:
    Added ability to start skype by comand line arguments.
    E.g. SkypeSedator "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /nosplash /minimized
    Skype adds itself to auto startup in registry (based on the settings made in Skype 'start with Windows').
    Improved Skype Window search method.

  • Version 0.5:
    Added the redistributable dll msvcr100.dll to the zip file.
    If you don't want this dll in the folder, install the whole VC10 Redistributable Package: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555

  • Version 0.4:
    bugfix: fixed searching of process by double checking the main window handle. It works now correctly in both cases: starting SkypeSedator before or after Skype.
  • Version 0.3:
    Waiting for Skype Process at startup, so that the tool can be placed into autostart even before Skype is running.
  • Version 0.2:
    Introduced language independence. Window detection is done by its class name.
Planned Features
  • optionally give a timeout for the time wile waiting for skype to start up.

There is a more easy way to get rid of the autostart Skype Home window permanently. However, it doesn't work with my system...
You can find the source code here: http://pastebin.com/bvZuv6nf
And you could download the executable for windows here: http://www.ge.tt/9zElhI7
Follow these steps:
1. Quit Skype
2. Download zip file from http://www.ge.tt/9zElhI7
3. Unzip it
4. run “Remove Skype Shit.exe”
5. Restart Skype


The VOIP tool Skype introduced a new features to pop up a Skype Home Window at startup and every 24 hours without giving the user the possibility to disable it.
This small code injects itself into the skype process, checks for the Skype Home window and closes it automatically if visible.


The code bases on the published suggestion of Ken's blog which itself was inspired by the solution published on the kill-skype-home-get-rid-of-that-annoying-skype blog.

There are two key points in this software: Closing the windows is done by posting native close messages to certain windows.
From the engineering point of view, the more interesting point is the injection of the code into the Skype process by using the technique introduced by Christian Moser in his WPF Inspector. Once that is done, the SkypeSedator process exits and the code is executed further within a timer thread in the Skype process.


you might need to install the VC10 Redistributable Packagefirst: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555

Before you run it, put the file at their final destinations. You can not move them, once it is started, until you quit skype.

Start it while or before Skype is running.

The tool searches the Skype process (or waits for Skype until it has started) and injects itself into it. It is stopped when the skype process stops.

I use it on an English Windows 7.

In additon, SkypeSedator checks the registry key CurrentUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run for an entry of Skype.
If Skype is set to start with Windows, SkypeSedator also starts with Windows.

If you add the skype startup line as argument to SkypeSedator, SkypeSedato will start Skype for you. This way you might be able to start more than one instance.
E.g. SkypeSedator "C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /nosplash /minimized